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  1. M

    Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

    omg marg/catherine was sooooo frickin good in this eppy......i really really luv tha woman
  2. M

    "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler when cath was tellin sara bout lady heather was really really funny...catherine talkin to grissom was omg ....the whole episode was funny and very good....cant wait 4 the finale
  3. M

    "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler that was sooooo sweet what grissom did for lady heather
  4. M

    "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler omg brass and catherine were like talkin and catherine was like "come om brass i know u know sum thing about lady haether and grissom" and brass was like "i know sum thing better" but then they found a cop dead so they stop talkin...
  5. M

    "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler OMG OMG 15 more mintures cant wait
  6. M

    Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

    WOW guys are you guys tryin 2 kill me dude she lookin sexalious *looks around* that's not even a ord anyway love the pictures of marg
  7. M

    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    OMG dude if she wins ill frickin CUT OFF ALL My HAIR *thinks about wat she just said* maybe not but if marg win ill be so happy !!!!
  8. M

    Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

    thanx guys :),its just i really :mad:hate it when people say that its her in the :(wrong,i just wanna see at least 2 more :Dseason then ill have all of them on dvd and ill be happy :D :)
  9. M

    Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

    ok guys,im :mad: like frickin out.... im like :mad:frickin not goin to be :mad:happy if jorja fox leave the show...i mean the only reason i watch the because the frickin cas :eek:t.... i mean dude where can i git one of them? will not be the same.... im scar :(e guys, im like...
  10. M

    "Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers*

    i frickin luv the ep.i luv the warrick and nick scene priceless
  11. M

    Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

    she was blushin.... lookin over her shoulder was look sooooo cute if marg wasnt married.....BOY...i would have thought that they go together.........:D
  12. M

    "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler im really not LH fan but........ this weeks ep is going to be good im waiting for catherine commet haha
  13. M

    "Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers*

    OMG :eek: :eek: did u see the eppy awsum 4 real.....catherine/marg look :D hot as all ways....warrick and nick secne 2gether was funny :eek: U SEE THE END grissom makin some thing lokkin :confused:like 1 of them mature :confused:....sara readin that note grissom wrote...dude...
  14. M

    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    i will be the first one in line as soon as it hit the movies in or state
  15. M

    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    O..M..G..ello dudes and chick im kc and i love marg like uhm.................alot!! anywho marg is like beautiful,sweet,cute,sexy...ok keepin it pg:13 lol, but urs gittin what im sayin :D ps:if u no where i could find sum music videos of catherine u would b like savin the world 4 me :D OXOXO