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  1. M

    Your top 5 favorite shows!!!

    1)CSI:LV 2)NCIS 3)HOUSE 4)The Unit 5)Cold Case
  2. M

    100 hottest guys (BASED ON YOUR OPINION)

    1.Chester Bennington 2.Seann William Scott 3.Johnny Depp 4.Johnny Knoxville 5.Orlando Bloom 6.Gary Dourdn 7.Brad Pitt 8.Wentworth Miller 9.Chad Kruger 10.Eric Szmanda
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    Crushes on Fictional Characters

    warrick brown and nick stokes on csi
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    Your Parents are annyoying when........

    ..they answer calls for you, while your watching CSI.. even though you've clearly told them that "you're not home"!! And then you have to quick talk during the commercials and hope that you're done by the time the show is back on! -They always bother during CSI -They always bother during...
  5. M

    What are your addictions?

    ok here goes :D internet marg helgenberger bebo myspace csifiles eattin talkin chattin sleepin watchin csi all shippers(csi) sleepin on the floor dancin singin in the hall way spike(csi) cbs LJ msn teenspot my i-pod my d-cam
  6. M

    Let's Talk Gay

    :mad:ok........i frickin hate my mom @ this moment....ok i think gayness is kool...and u can b with who ever u wanna be with...but my mom says that god said "multiply" i just dont git it........sumthings i git frickin mad @ because ppl judge u 4 every THING...i dont think god sed u cant...
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    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    if u no where i could find sum music videos of catherine u would b like savin the world 4 me OXOXO
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    Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

    jesus marg looks HELLA SEXI in all of theses pictures
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    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    uhmmm let me ask yall sum thing if catherine got a divorced wouldnt her name change back to wat it was be for willows?
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    Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

    thankz your a life savers,i thought i miss marg i was so mad kc
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    Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

    uhmm.. guys did any one see conan o brien thurday? if so did u see marg and do u have a clip of the interview? if u do pm it 2 me thankz
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    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    thankz fa yall help guys. Marg looks so pretty and happy i luv that woman
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    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    guys is it ok if i post my new site of marg if not where can i?
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    Season 8 Wishlist

    Re: Season 8 Wishlist srry GSR fan but.... my wishlist sara live but GSR drop die,dont eva come back,bye bye GSR no more cath drama she's been threw alot warrick warrick where are u? more funny and krazy greg i miss that GSR die please just die bring on cath/gil
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    Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

    uhmmm guys i need help itsnt marg going to b in tony awards or sumthing? if so when and wat time please help i
  16. M

    Marg/Catherine Pic Thread: Eye Candy #7.0

    yes very much so bendin over ike wow* in her on world".....ook srry keepin it pg....anyway catherine was hella sexy and sooo frickin funny....just reminded me of why i like her soo much
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    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    marg look hella sexy and was like sooooo frickin funny...... i really think catherine know...but
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    "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler when catherine ask brass about lady heather and grissom my mom ran in the living room and was "tell her.. tell her"my mom really want catherine to me i think she already do...