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  1. K

    Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

    Hey all, I know I never have the time to add to this awesome thread, only popping in to enjoy pics and request some! Though if it helps I do write a ton! Anyhow, I have yet another request. I'm looking for the orginal picture that was used to make this icon. I used to have it, but got lost a...
  2. K

    "Burn Out" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Obviously all the Greg lovers forgot how Grissom treated Nick for four seasons.....that was actually quite a softer side of Gil compared to the ass chewings he gave Nick before..heck he's yelled at Nick more than one occasion. But I agree a migraine is horrid and Gil was just being his normal...
  3. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Why do they even need to do this? The cast is big enough, why not take this time to spread som screen time around to others? There's no need for some special guest star to come in. Hell one of the best eppys of the show was "Gum Drops" and that was done without WP or mostly without MH. I mean...
  4. K

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    Like I said...I did like it <G> and my comments are based on how it shaped Nick, and I think that includes how out of chracter it was for him. Heh I was thinking in context of the show, I was just trying to emphasie how much a 'moment" it was....and as someelse said..I doubt it'll be touched on...
  5. K

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    I think this was pretty major thing for Nick, how much death, horror, and bad guys has he encountered? And someone taunts him and he hits him? Yes, Greg was attacked, but at at the time the guy was a punk, not suspect but a heckler. What Nick did was illegal, it was assault...he hit first. He...
  6. K

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    As far as Nick's anger....well its been brewing for a while. I still think its deep seeed to the fact he got no real justice from GD....he had no person to put behind bars no one to release his anger by proxy after a close frined was hurt, for Nick, perhaps punching the taunter was that...
  7. K

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    Well, Warrick saved Nick's ass. Really, Nick 'was' in the wrong, throwing a punch first, and in no self defense...he could have been charged and his career would have been yes the shove was hard, but both CSIs were emotional.
  8. K

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

    MC Stokes- Hey no shirt is good, but come on if he is tying his shoes, he just put on new pants...roll back to him taking the old ones off! Heh..sorry back now back to my normal self.
  9. K

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

    Blackflag you're so right. At the end my eyes went huge at that Green T-Shirt, my first thoughts were about screencap goodness! Of course it had to be the arm!porn that was doing it for me. Makes me wonder though, Nick's always tying his shoes in the locker room shots, "Bodies in Motion"...
  10. K

    "Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Oh I'll add that gun toting was he serious looking in that warehouse? Growl.
  11. K

    "Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    My highlights: Give props to the writers, this was a well balanced well paced and edge of your seat episode. See what happens when you don't chop the hell out of something and give the cast enough time to breathe? Having it all happen in one night just blows my mind and the fact that the kids...
  12. K

    Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

    Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers** Thanks Blackflag! I love behind the scenes pics!
  13. K

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

    I don't think GE has put on weight as in getting older type, but he looks like he's put on more muscle mass...not as much as early season 5 for the Evel film. I like time in early season 1 and late season 5, he was almost too thin. Now he's taken up yoga, might be working out more and...
  14. K

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

    <b>softcake</b> That is the surfer pic I was looking for, and a much clearer version than I had found. Thank you. Out of a personl request, I'm trying to create an 'skin' set of pics on my LJ for I was missing that one...should be done tommorrow night when I have the...
  15. K

    "Toe Tags" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Re: Toe Tag discussion? Oh will add before going to bed *yawn* I'm still thrilled to see that GE was given something with more chops and he did an amazing job..biased, oh heck yeah! Also nice to see him and Grissom talk in their office like two respected workers would...on even ground.
  16. K

    "Toe Tags" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Re: Toe Tag discussion? This was "4x4" redux, though not as good emotionally. I must admit it WAS the first eppy filmed to shake away the cobwebs. It was a bit disjointed so, we didn't have more of an emotional punch. Though we got lots of great Nick moments, loved the pissed off as hell look...
  17. K

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

    Thank you for sharing, thought I had these all ready. Anyhow as far as the surfer pics being posted earlier, I have not been to this thread in a while, so I'm clueless where it would be. Again, thank you
  18. K

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

    Looking for two diff pics that I know have been posted by many, but for some reason they are not in my photobucket. The first one is that surfer set of pics, I found one, but it was so tiny.....and the other is the one from "ER" with Carol where he's got the white towel around his shoulders...