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  1. C

    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    Wait a second i just checked this page and there wasn't any johnny writhworth or whatever his name is am I blind or just ...
  2. C

    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    is she in the first piucture checking his ass ?? :D OMG (L) everything I hear about the finale looks like a dutch crime drama show, there was a woman that was affraid of her brother and because of that she wanted to shoot a criminal but she didn't hit him she hit her partner and everything i...
  3. C

    Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

    Heey People wanted to do something so I do this:D :: I love your suggestions JackieG0630 i really wanted a kind of meeting about them and then that they will walk in and ask "what is this about?" I want to see that :D one question to all of u does anybody nows when the last episode of this...
  4. C

    Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

    Yes and that dude(of Natalia) should be Ryan Who's cooking :D it would be cute to see all the csiers outside of work i really would love Calleigh and Eric spending some time on going to theater or something I love kyle when he is with his dad :D it's just my opinion :D that was my little chat...
  5. C

    Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

    Is saw a better version of the clip on YT xox
  6. C

    Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

    WTF OMG do i really have to wait until tomorrow for that epi. because I live in Holland can I just not go to america right now btw here's it comes out on 4am in the morning whaaaaaaaa xoxo
  7. C

    Eric and Calleigh #34 - Heating up Miami

    I hate Waiting so long tuesday on 7am (in dutch) i can finally watch csi miami .. and om 7.30am i have to go to school :S I love them (L)
  8. C

    Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 8 Spoilers***

    Re: Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 7 Spoilers*** didn't anybody noticed when calleigh is sitting that she is wearing a vistors pass from jail she will be visiting Eric in jail. :D
  9. C

    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    whaaaaaaaaa just can't wait :D i have vacation on 20 feb Next friday until 2 march whaa i can only watch it on 3 march (school just give me the day free :D) thank u for those pics who ever psted them (sorry for my really bad english) xox
  10. C

    **Spoiler Lab** Season 7 - Get Your Daily Fix!

    Thanx for those pic's HCrazy Eric looks really Jummy :drool::drool::drool:
  11. C

    **Spoiler Lab** Season 7 - Get Your Daily Fix!

    where can i find that damm promo then i live in holland and i have no american tv so ... can anybody tell me ?
  12. C

    **Spoiler Lab** Season 7 - Get Your Daily Fix!

    sorry this mention for miamifan08
  13. C

    **Spoiler Lab** Season 7 - Get Your Daily Fix!

    I think that this is after the incendent he taked other clothes on (sorry for my very bad english)
  14. C

    **Spoiler Lab** Season 7 - Get Your Daily Fix!

    THank u so very much i love them i hope 7x14 will be great it looks like it :D
  15. C

    Season 7 **Spoiler Lab** Sneak a Peek!

    where can you find them i was searching it for the whole day or something thanx check out my YT channel :