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  1. subterraneantwin

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back Fo' realz, yo. :borg:
  2. subterraneantwin

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    That was the funniest post I have read in a very long time. And I agree with all of the above.
  3. subterraneantwin

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back You're so right, you can't deny their chemistry! Gawd, how long must we wait for these two to get together? I've watched the promos for the new episode and I think/hope there will be some good C/W interaction. I don't know if...
  4. subterraneantwin

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Yeah, JasonsLea, in BBYD after Calleigh and Eric found Cooper in the bar, Calleigh basically told him to turn himself in; he could have been fired or he may have resigned, but either way, he's gone. I'm thinking he was probably arrested (but we don't know that for sure). He may have...
  5. subterraneantwin

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back You're so right; that's just such a perfect way of putting it!
  6. subterraneantwin

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back Yeah, I really hope for more scenes with them together in the next few episodes. It seems like they didn't get much screen time together except for "A La Cart" (which pretty much reaffirmed the undeniable chemistry between the...
  7. subterraneantwin

    ~Yobling Songs ~

    I've never posted on this thread before, but it seems like a good one, considering everything having to do with Yo!Bling is always good. ;) All the songs you guys have posted seem to fit Catherine/Warrick really well. Keep up the Yo!Bling love, people. :thumbsup:
  8. subterraneantwin

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back Yeah, there have been a lot of moments throughout the seasons. "Big Middle" is great, then of course we've got "A Little Murder", "Bodies in Motion", and many more. I think Catherine and Warrick probably have the best...
  9. subterraneantwin

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 Yeah, it probably was small enough to post, but I just like to be on the safe side. ;) I really like that second picture; Gary has a great smile. Do you know what episode it's from?
  10. subterraneantwin

    Fan Video Discussion

    Re: Fan Video Challenges I’m definitely interested! I know that there are icon challenges with certain themes pertaining to upcoming holidays, colors, characters, etc.; maybe there could be something like that, just with fanvids. Since most of the fan videos will most likely be scene...
  11. subterraneantwin

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 Here are some more pictures for your viewing pleasure: STOIC INTENSE
  12. subterraneantwin

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back "Down the Drain" is most definitely one of the best C/W episodes of all time! I watch the epic fall/catch scene at least once a week. :lol: I was always in favor of Catherine and Warrick as a couple, but when I first saw that...
  13. subterraneantwin

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 You're right, that is a really cute one. He looks so enamored with Catherine! :D Here's one where he looks like he really has a fondness for transparent plastic objects...
  14. subterraneantwin

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back Wow, that banner and icon are really nice! Did you make them yourself? BTW, your icon rules; Robbins is a gangsta. Fo' realz. :borg:
  15. subterraneantwin

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back They always look great working together in their matching blue jumpsuits. Imagine how good they would look together minus the jumpsuits. Hehe, just kidding... or am I? :devil:
  16. subterraneantwin

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 Nice pic, desertwind! I like the scenic background and how they're all wearing sunglasses. :cool: