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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    I also like him in pink but the sexiest for me is when he wears red like in season 5 episode 8 Darkroom where he's in a dark suit and red shirt,.he's a little red devil
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Well we've got all the spoilers up to episode 18 and none of them sound Ryancentered so only 4 more episodes left for tptb to pull something out of there hat for us fans I hope it's something really special .
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Well I've been rumbled I went with my partner last year to his barbers to explain how I like him to have a different style and I've been buying him items of clothing over the months including a pink t shirt which he reluctantly wears then before Christmas they were showing reruns of season 6...
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    I'm alway going on about Jonathan to my friend so one of them from the uk e mailed me his arrest sheet in it his height is 5' 10'' and weight 165 though I think he has lost a lot of weight since then oh 165 lb is 11 stone 7
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    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    No that can't be 5weeks wot am I gonna do guess I'll have to pull the box sets out
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    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

    Thank you for your quick response I forgot everything stops for sport
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    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

    Hi I'm normally in the Miami threads but I like to cross Over once in a while but could someone please explain to me what march madness is because it seams as soOn as march comes all my favourite programs stop yes that makes me mad but why oh why
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Lol Sorry did I just read right you imagine Ryan parts ,would that be parts in an episode or parts of the anatomy.
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    The trailer for next weeks episode is up on YouTube looks like Jon takes a dive
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Ryans first kiss on the show well our little boy is all grown up now.
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Ok so Sunday has arrived here but I have to wait till about 7am Monday morning to get my fix
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    I'd like to wish everyone a happy 2011 hope you all have a good one ,and don't worry not long to go till Sunday .
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    The trailer I found for match made in hell is only 19seconds but if you want to see it go to hope that helps
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Christmas just flew by for me so Jan 2nd will be here in a flash as for snow nothing here in Cyprus just hot hot sunshine I do dream of a White Christmas open log fire snuggling under a blanket with mr Togo
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    4am in the morning can't sleep have ate to much so I'm watching some oldies but goodies season 3 Jonathan looks so cute and young in these episodes.I hope you all had a good day and got every thing you wished for.
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Christmas morning has arrived here and Merry Christmas to you all where ever you might be
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    I've just had a early Christmas present from my honeybun an I pod touch I am now mobile Jonathan Togo with me every where a go work,restaurants ,walking the dog , bathroom ok bathroom might be going a little to far but don't you just love modern technology.
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Hope you all had a great thanksgiving and you did'nt overdo it on the turkey.
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    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    I've just sent my wish list off to Santa i've only asked for 1 thing this year Jonathan in my christmas stocking and i think i might be lucky this year because i have been a very very good girl.
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    Episode 9x05 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    In last nights episode did anyone else notice Ryans footwear changed all thru the episode he was wearing sneakers untill the end when the coins dropped he had black shoes on.