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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Forgive me fellow Wolfepackers for I have sinned for the past 2 days I have had impure thoughts of another actor I feel so guilty wot should my punishment be.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Received my copy of season 8 today in the post had to got to work first though god time went so slow , rushed home tried opening cellophane couldn't find scissors eventually got it open put disc 1 in DVD player sat down to enjoy Sorry this disc cannot be played on this machine region 2 only wot...
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    I think it's the same blue t-shirt he wore in season 8x21 Meltdown episode
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    I can't believe it nearly the end of the season, I enjoyed the episode my favourite moment was the little coy smile he gave after Molly said would it of been better if she e-mailed him about the date
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    Episode 9x17 - 'Special Delivery' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    That was one mighty fine sweater vest Travers was wearing has Ryan past on his fashion sence to Travers
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    I do apologise for my spelling I meant to say height brain and fingers not working together but his height was mentioned when he was working with natalia and walter ,he being 5'9 and Walter 6'5.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    I enjoyed the episode but I would like to know wot Ryans phone call was about was it all cloak and dagger stuff or just a call to say his laundry was ready who knows, and another reference about his high aah bless.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    If he was a girl he would be called Mary Popins because he's perfect in every way.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Ok so we now know dirt does not stick to him,but wot about dog and cat hair ,may be we should Market him Wolfe Automatic gets your clothes whiter then White.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    If you remember at the beginning of the season episode 1 he was wearing his White jeans and they had him in the airducts , when he came out spotless I only have to pull a White t-shirt out of the closet and it gets dirty.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Night in on my own Chinese ordered ,wine chilling and ice cream in freezer just sorting out my viewing pleasure I think I'll start with season 4
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Lol,yes and she would be the one that would have knitted him all his sweater vests and he has a closer full of raindeer and snowman jumpers she would have knitted him for Christmas .Gosh the ideas are endless Ryan Wolfe International Man of Mystery.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    I think they should do an episode now were the congress man commits a murder and Ryan is called to the scene ,see who it is finds all the evidence to put the congress man way for life.A little bit of pay back time just like he arrested Stetler at the end of season 8.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Yes I noticed it to and it's not the first time it's happen Season 3 episode 7 Crimewave when Ryan is bending over a body,come to think of it that was a White tshirt to.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    I know we're no where near choosing thread names yet but I just thought of one it may be a bit long but how about THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMBOAT hope you like it
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    What a contrast between the America csi shows and the british,British so not sexy they arrive at there crime scenes in get this White paper overalls with matching hats and booties and masks can you just picture it Horatio pulling up to the crime scene and getting out wearing a paper overall,Ryan...
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    How about an action man Ryan doll and he can come with accessories and his own wardrobe,you can play dress up with him but he wouldn't play with Barbie he's way to cool for that.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Ok IMDB says Jonathans movie is out in Febuary ok so it's now Febuary and no movie i want to see this movie I'm throw my toys out of my pram I can't wait anylonger those little teasers so mean.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Me again I've just had a thought how about doing Rainbow Ryan you know how the song goes Red and Yellow and Pink and green Orange and Purple and Blue ,just off my head I can think of some mighty fine outfits he's worn in these colours.
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Hay it's that whitesuit again what is it 3rd time this season j'adore