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  1. that_girl1

    CSI: Hangman #10

    Miami C1:-eo-le -i--- -la- -ice- -i-- a -e--e- -e--e- i- --e- --e- ---ee o-- -e- -eo-le --a-- a --- i- --ei- -a-. C2: I- --a- ---e? C1: -ea-. C2: --e- I'll --i-- a li--le -a--e- -e-- -i-e -e-o-e I --i- -o-eo-e --e -i--. Guessed letters: A, C, E, I, L, O
  2. that_girl1

    CSI: Hangman #10

    Miami C1:--o-l- ----- -la- ----- ---- a ------ ------ -- ---- ---- ----- o-- --- --o-l- --a-- a --- -- ----- -a-. C2: -- --a- ----? C1: --a-. C2: ---- -'ll ----- a l---l- -a---- ---- ---- ---o-- - ---- -o--o-- --- ----. Guessed letters: A, L, O
  3. that_girl1

    Windows Vista.

    There is a program on Here's the link I use it to convert videos for my iPod. It depends on how big the video is but it converts them really good.
  4. that_girl1

    New Year Rsolutions

    Re: New Year Resolutions My New Year's Resolution is to finally write a story about fanfiction. I already started writing it. Let's see if I ever finish it.
  5. that_girl1

    CSI: Hangman #10

    Cool! Okay I'm changing the show to Miami C1:------ ----- ---- ----- ---- - ------ ------ -- ---- ---- ----- --- --- ------ ----- - --- -- ----- ---. C2: -- ---- ----? C1: ----. C2: ---- -'-- ----- - ------ ------ ---- ---- ------ - ---- ------- --- ----.
  6. that_girl1

    CSI: Miami Picture Thread ~Possible S6 Spoilers~

    Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!! Elizabeth looks like a robot in some of these. IMO
  7. that_girl1

    CSI: Hangman #10

    Greg: You smell like death. Sara: I've heard. Greg: You know a real man wouldn't mind. Bully For You
  8. that_girl1

    LIMS #5: Final Results Now Up!

    Re: LIMS #5: Sign Ups Open! I'm in. I've entered challenges but never LIMS so this sounds like its going to be fun!
  9. that_girl1

    One on One challenges! Challenge #12 ~ Results Up!

    Re: One on One challenges - Challenge #8~Join Now I'm up for a challenge.
  10. that_girl1

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #2 - Ch#24: Muscles ~ Join now!

    Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #23 Ships Count me in!
  11. that_girl1

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Just draw two stick figures lying on top of each other. That will work. Guys I'm starting to write my first fic, and that is going to be my new year's resolution, to write a story before the end of the year. I just promise that it won't be good. I used to ship at first Eric/Natalia and then...
  12. that_girl1

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    :lol: Of course Eric had to be the one to fart. Although I must say, that kind of is the way to un-awkwardness the situation. Yes, I know my vocabulary is so broad. :grin:
  13. that_girl1

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    Well I saw the flames and I bounced dog, I bounced. Sorry watching 'Tinder Box' Gosh so much drama and action. And Eric still loves Jess, aww how cute. Great updates Geni!
  14. that_girl1

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Welcome delkoaholic! My friends are the same but don't worry you'll make great friends here. Oh and here are your Hip Hugger pants! I've always found that hip hugging scene a little weird. They could have given each other a full hug and not just at the hips. And the full hug would have been so...
  15. that_girl1

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To #4

    1. Boys Like Girls - The Great Escape 2. Paramore - crushcrushcrush 3. Cobra Starship - Kiss My Sass 4. Linkin Park - Shadow of the Day 5. Boys Like Girls - Dance Hall Drug 6. Boys Like Girls - Learning to Fall 7. Spice Girls - Spice Up Your Life 8. Colbie Caillat - Bubbly 9. Paramore - Pressure...
  16. that_girl1

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    I Am Legend It was a really great movie. Will Smith thinks that he is the last human living and is still trying to find a cure for a very bad virus that killed millions of people. It was really good and I thought that it was really great that Robert still wanted to find a cure even though most...
  17. that_girl1

    Quiz Thread #3

    Should Auld Quizzes Be Forgot - 3/10 The Month of January - 6/10 Lunar New Year - 8/10 (I surprised myself with this one.)
  18. that_girl1

    CSI: Hangman #10

    Can I have an L please?
  19. that_girl1

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

    To my mother: Why why why do you always have to invite that man over our house. Every fre-king day of last week he was here and it really bothers me that he is here. He took a nap on my bed!! I don't think that he should be that comfortable with us here. I sure wouldn't. And he slept in the same...
  20. that_girl1

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    Wow what a way to bring in the new year. Sucks for Jess and poor Eric will be devastated when he hears the news. Great updates Gen!