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  1. city hunter

    Episode 9x10 - 'Match Made in Hell' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    This will be a great episode! Just by watching the promo video it looks amazing. Can't wait to watch it!
  2. city hunter

    Cancellation of a CSI series

    CSI New York. I don't watch NY so, it would not be a problem for me.
  3. city hunter

    Check Out Twitpics From 'Miami' & 'New York'

    WOW! Great picture! :)
  4. city hunter

    Episode 9x07 - 'On The Hook' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Not a bad episode, but not a great episode either. I loved the banter between Ryan and Walter, those two are just so funny together! The ending scene, with Horatio throwing that guy out of the window, was fantastic. I'm glad we saw more of Frank. No Natalia :(:(:(
  5. city hunter

    9x06 - "Reality Kills" - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    I finally got to see this episode and I loved it. The case was quite interesting, had some good twists. I really liked the subplot about the two brothers and the drug. It was also funny to see Delko and Ryan chasing someone again.
  6. city hunter

    Happy Birthday, Rex Linn!

    A day late... but Happy Birthday Rex Linn!!!!!
  7. city hunter

    Episode 9x05 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    This was a fantastic episode! Probably, one of the best I've ever seen. The story was really interesting and exciting from beginning to end. Everyone was absolutely amazing in this episode, especially Natalia and Ryan, and I really liked the team interaction
  8. city hunter

    Episode 9x05 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    This will be a great episode,just from watching the promo videos it looks AMAZING! Can't wait to see!!!
  9. city hunter

    Episode 9x03 - 'See No Evil' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    This was a great episode! It held my interest from beginning to end. I think everybody did an amazing job especially Ryan and Horatio, and I really loved the scene where they try to rescue the kidnapped girl in the bank. I liked how they brought Joe LeBrock back.
  10. city hunter

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Love all the pictures! Nice to see the cast together!
  11. city hunter

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    SOOO beautiful!!! He looks like James Bond in these pictures.
  12. city hunter

    Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

    This movie sounds interesting and the cast is awesome! I hope LF will get more screentime than what he got in "Predators"
  13. city hunter

    Episode 9x02 - 'Sudden Death' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    It was a decent episode, nothing special but still worth watching. I liked the chase scene, especially when Ryan tried to jump the bridge to go after the suspect (it was fun!)), and I really liked the teamwork I don't mind new ME, but I prefer Tom.
  14. city hunter

    Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

    Wow! Laurence Fishbourne and Tom Hanks! My two favourite actors! Thanks for these pictures!
  15. city hunter

    Episode 9x01 - "Fallen" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    the premiere wasn't bad, although there wasn't enough Ryan for me but what we saw of him was good. Natalia and Walter were awesome in this episode. I really liked the ending scene when they all played basketball and I loved the little hug between Ryan and Natalia, it was so sweet and cute. I...
  16. city hunter

    Go Home With Togo

    What a beautiful home! and the view is awesome!
  17. city hunter

    Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

    I haven't seen the episode yet, but I've just read some reviews. I read that Ray was in the hospital and helped the case. He's a workaholic!
  18. city hunter

    Michael T. Weiss

    I really liked "The Pretender" and adored Jarod! I'd like to see Michael T.Wess in CSI Miami as an recurring character, he could replace Stetler.
  19. city hunter

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Great video! I hope this will be an exciting season. Can't wait to see!!!
  20. city hunter

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Re: Ryan/Jon # 28 Wow! thread 28! Ryan has a lot of fans! I like A Smile Brighter than Diamonds