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  1. F

    Episode #502 'Going Under' **CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I enjoyed this ep and was glad that Calleigh just brushed herself off and went right back to work. It was very true to her character, I felt. Just when Miami finally got rid of the Mala Noche's they got a new gang right away, of course with deep government infiltration necessary. At least...
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    Forenics books/shows

    Although this is more skewed towards forensic pathology, I've enjoyed the books written by Dr. Michael Baden. He was the former NYC ME. His non-fiction books are: "Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner" and "Dead Reckoning: The New Science of Catching Killers". His latest book is...
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    New to NY.... and lovin it

    Hi MikeW! Glad you like what you see. In my opinion, one can't have enough CSI's to watch.
  4. F

    What would you do? game. Not who.

    Re: What would you do??? game. LOL, good question rachaelm! I'd probably claim Danny for myself if that were the case. :lol: What would you do if the CSI:NY cast crossed over with the Simpsons and got animated (a la the "Springfield Files" episode)?
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    Grade 'People With Money'

    I'm all for new opening credits since both Vegas and Miami got some spiffy new ones. I just hope we don't get any nasty surprises regarding new characters being added to the credits. Right now, the only addition I'm willing to accept is Hammerback.
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    'CSI' Season Opener Loses Battle Against 'Grey's Anatomy'

    Re: 'CSI' Season Opener Loses Battle Against 'Grey's Anatomy I definitely agree with all the above mentioned reasons why CSI got beaten by Grey's. I know that for the couple of weeks leading up to the premieres the Grey's cast was all over the media circuit, while all I really saw for CSI was...
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    "Built To Kill Part 1" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I'm writing this from memory so I could be way off, but I thought in the montage before the motel scene, we see Nick give Catherine a look as if to say goodbye and thanks before he heads off with the other woman. Also, Catherine first turned the guy down who offered to buy her a drink, but then...
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    Grade 'People With Money'

    Thanks lyne! I'm glad to know I'm not the only Flack obsessed person out there. My banner's getting a bit old though, I'm getting in the mood to make a new one. Oh, and I'd love to see your Danny/Flack banner when it's done, since I love Danny too!
  9. F

    "Built To Kill Part 1" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Whoa, the ending made up 200% for an ep that I thought was just average in terms of premieres. I've been avoiding the spoilers all summer, so I was really surprised by it. It's just evil of them to make us wait until next week to find out what's up with the Catherine and the freak-show model...
  10. F

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    You beg your friend to search through her stash of TV Guides so she can give you the "Boys of CSI" issue that you missed, all for Carmine's pic. All this despite the fact that you have already downloaded this picture in high res.
  11. F

    Grade 'People With Money'

    Well, after the excitement of the premiere has wound down a bit, I can finally gather my thoughts and write something about it. The Good: Flack's back! I was so happy to see him back and all in one piece. And I thought the exchange between him and Lindsay about how many numbers he got was...
  12. F

    Episode #501 'Rio' ***RE-AIRING DEC 4, 2006***

    Re: Episode #501 'Rio' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** I really liked the visuals in last night's ep, they really made Brazil "jump" and thankfully they didn't wash it all out in the Miami orange glow. Most of my criticisms have already been mentioned many times already. So I'll refrain from being...
  13. F

    What would you do? game. Not who.

    Re: What would you do??? game. Thanked the heavens that it was on CBS, the only station not to get knocked out when the towers fell. (I actually felt that way about the original CSI at the time). Though, I know I would've picked the news coverage over CSI:NY. Good thing the season starts...
  14. F

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    Whenever you walk around Manhattan you keep your eyes peeled for movie trailers and hope to catch Carmine and/or Eddie taping a scene. I do this ALL the time! You lament that if only you'd been a year older, you could've been attending NYU at the same time that Eddie was. :D
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    Are We Paying You By The Word? - The CSI Booklist

    The Physical Science of Tires: Traction & Treads by Don Flack, Jr.
  16. F

    Favorite and Least Favorite Episodes of Season 2?

    I picked Live or Let Die as my fave episode. I just thought it was fantastic overall. It had suspense, humor, emotion. A good time all around. I didn't HATE (that's such strong word) any particular episode, but there were definitely some bottom of the barrel ones. I picked Jamalot as my...
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    Grade Season Two

    I gotta say, I really enjoyed season 2. I liked the change to a "lighter" atmosphere and I found most of the episodes very enjoyable. I have to say that in terms of plot, the original CSI still pulls off more compelling and off the wall stories than NY does, but there were some real gems in...
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    Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

    I'm guessing Mac also needed to take pictures of Flack to have documentation of where they pulled the bomb fragments from.
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    Dislike An LV Character?

    Re: Dislike A Character Well, after he split the team up, I really HATED Ecklie. He's such a suck up. But lately he's been kind of mellow so I haven't had much reason to dislike him. And I wasn't too pleased with Sofia at first, but now I think she's a great addition to the show as a cop...
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    'CSI' To Receive Fierce Competition From 'Grey's Anatomy'

    Re: 'CSI' To Receive Fierce Competition From 'Grey's Anatomy I don't know what in the world ABC is doing. And now CBS is putting Without A Trace on Sundays at 10 PM, Grey's Anatomy's old timeslot. ABC should have at least put GA on Thursdays at 10, it would probably do better then, with WaT...