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  1. F

    CSI NY The Forgotten Child

    Awesomeness, I'm so glad CSI:NY was able to stand up to Lost. All in all I get the feeling that CBS isn't promoting any of the CSI shows as much as they used to and especially not NY. That's a shame because I'm in that coveted 18-49 demographic and nearly everyone I know is swayed into...
  2. F

    "Law of Gravity" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Well, let me quickly join the loved it camp. I was totally engrossed in last night's ep and thought Keppler's story was fascinating. With only 3 episodes in which Keppler had appeared I didn't think I'd care much for his backstory, but I was wrong! As strange of a character as he is, there's...
  3. F

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    I thought "Some Buried Bones" was great, and really liked both cases. First off, I love Nelly Furtado so having her in the ep was awesome. I just wish they'd put in some more of her songs. I thought she gave a great guest-star performance (unlike *cough cough* K-Fed in Vegas), esp. when she...
  4. F

    Grade 'The Lying Game'

    Hehe, I was dying of laughter in all of Flack's scenes. He was fantastic in last night's ep. I was so glad he got loads of screen time and he even finished off the interrogation. Yay! I still think he should've stuck in a wise crack about all the loving Frank Garth would be getting in the...
  5. F

    You're Invited: Summer NY Forum Meeting in LA!!!

    Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!! I'm with you Wyoming, if anyone ever wants to bring the party out east, I'm totally there. We could do a tour of CSI:NY crime scene locations. :lol: But all of you heading to LA have a blast! Wish I could join in on the fun. :D
  6. F

    You're Invited: Summer NY Forum Meeting in LA!!!

    Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!! Oh man, this looks cool! I know I don't post often, but I would love to meet some people who obsess over CSI:NY as much as I do (my friends just don't get it :lol: ). However, the $ is an issue, the last trip I took was to Boston and that's...
  7. F

    Grade 'Obsession'

    Clearly the meh-ness of last night's ep has been expounded on so I'll try to be short. The one thing that made no sense to me is if the Idiot Run participants knew the route well enough to sabotage each other, shouldn't they have known where all the grates were and been careful (esp. when...
  8. F

    Grade 'Silent Night'

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that had no love for the drawn out skating scene at the end. I would've much rather seen a corny character montage. And I think they were a little rude to not acknowledge Flack, he did after all get the baby to safety while Mac was still trying to figure out what...
  9. F

    Grade 'Raising Shane'

    They could probably get Shane Casey to confess to framing Sheldon, that should do the trick. Whether it's possible to get someone so wack as Shane Casey to agree to confessing is a whole different issue, but people have admitted to crimes they didn't commit. I think interrogation cops can be...
  10. F

    song from Love Run Cold ep303

    No problem, I gotta say, after listening to the clip so much now I totally love that song. CSI:NY seriously needs a soundtrack. :)
  11. F

    song from Love Run Cold ep303

    Great news! I've found the answer. The song is "Enuff" by DJ Shadow feat. Q-Tip and Lateef the Truth Speaker. You can watch the video here. darx2mint4 your clip was a BIG help, I listened to it like a zillion times and was finally able to make out Q-tip at the beginning, which finally let...
  12. F

    Grade 'Raising Shane'

    Thanks MacsGirlMel! You made my day :) Yay, only two weeks of severe CSI:NY withdrawal. Thank goodness they are not following that "split the season in half" trend.
  13. F

    CSI NY The Forgotten Child

    Great topic! Poor CSI:NY, yes, I've noticed, they always have to share their spots with "Criminal Minds", and they only start showing commercials on Mondays (I see them when I watch Miami). Why not promote NY during LV, they show promos for Miami then. Oh, the show definitely needs more...
  14. F

    Grade 'Raising Shane'

    Woot! My hands were literally shaking, last night's ep was that intense. And that was despite the fact that the title gave away a lot and that I connected the dead junkie to Hawkes' frameup as soon as I saw his body. All I kept thinking was "Poor Sheldon!" As everyone's said already I loved...
  15. F

    Grade 'Sweet Sixteen'

    They totally pulled a Simpsons twist in the beginning of this ep, starting off with the base jumper and never revisiting it again. I thought the continuity in this ep was more interesting than the cases and I was surprised it came so quickly. It's good to know that Flack didn't forget his tiff...
  16. F

    Grade 'And Here's To You, Mrs. Azrael'

    Ok, last night's ep would've been an awesome ep if the plot hadn't been completely ripped from the headlines. That just made me think the writers got lazy. I don't know why it irked me, because tv shows do it all the time, but maybe because this story was too similar. However, I must admit...
  17. F

    "Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

    No kidding, I think my heart was going faster watching last night's ep than after 30 mins on the treadmill. I felt so bad for Greg. I was hoping Warrick might have some really killer evidence to present that would make the family cower in shame, but sadly no. He's usually so good at heading...
  18. F

    Grade 'Consequences'

    Finally, a Flack-centric episode where he is not incapacitated, yay!! Anyway, I thought "Consequences" was a great episode, there was so much tension between Mac and Flack I thought my tv screen might shatter. You could see both of them understanding the other's point of view but not wanting...
  19. F

    Grade 'Murder Sings the Blues'

    Oh my gosh, thank you all the people who are tired of seeing NYC depicted as only rich people who party. It seems like the only time the CSI's ever go to the boroughs these days is to check out the really crap-tastic living conditions of the weirdo suspect. As much as I love CSI:NY, as a NY-er...
  20. F

    Grade 'Open and Shut'

    While I thought Stella's case was a tad predictable, I was actually blindsided by the model case. I was pretty sure it would be the ice queen model that was the killer. Otherwise I enjoyed the episode and thought the ending was very powerful. I had a feeling that Grace might try to go "there"...