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  1. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash Wow, karu_mila, you've read all my fics? I'm flattered! Welcome to the CaRWash thread! :) Lightheartedness rocks. Whenever I hear Emily talk about the things she and Jon do on set (tease each other so they can't get their sentences out), I...
  2. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash Salean, that's amazing :lol: Lucky you! I always come through for you, London! ;) Plus, I couldn't help myself from posting the entire quote, LOL. Ah, I remember Carla's fic. Yes, it was nice. Long, scientific, but nice. Which reminds me...
  3. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash You meant 304 Legal, London? ;) Because I'm me, here's the exact quote (should I mention it's from the top of my head? :lol:) Ryan: "I took this criminalist's seminar once...evaluating evidence. The visiting lecturer said a CSI's job is to...
  4. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash *squashes cricket* I'm here! I'm here! :D I'm so pshyched the writer's strike is over! I hope the writers and anyone else who works in that world will be more satisfied and better paid and stuff, but I'm also really glad we will get more...
  5. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash So I killed the thread. Hello, CaRWashers? Why have you all gone into hiding? Where IS everyone? :eek: I guess the lack of new episodes is a bit depriving, especially because there's hardly been any CaRWash in season 6, but I'm sure we could...
  6. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash Thanks WolfeWhistle and London. *blush* I'm crazy but in a good way :p Of course, there's nothing wrong with being CaRWash addicted! London, thanks for that :lol: I would love to enter but I just don't want to commit to too many things at a...
  7. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash Hestia, the pics you used in your banner are from: (left to right) 417 Collision, 423 Shock and 506 Curse Of the Coffin. Just so you know :p I don't I suck for being such a shipper, it was just a joke. I think it's a talent and if I can be...
  8. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash *applaudes* You spread the CaRWash love, Hestia ;) I liked that banner! If you ever need help identifying episodes, I know season 3, 4 and 5 by heart, and if you describe the pose or clothes I'll probably be able to tell you within a minute...
  9. Dutchie

    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    Ryan: I KNOW IT! You got me a puppy for my birthday, didn't you?
  10. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash I think fic challenges should be posted in the fanfiction thread, but if we flutter our eyes sweetly the mods may forgive us this time. I guess as long as we don't spam this thread with fanfiction challenges. ;) I want to be in, but I have...
  11. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash Me myself, I like to WRITE all kinds of fics. I love it when I make people tear up with my Angst, I like to get them together with fluff and I do love my future family series. Writing them as parents is just so much fun. :lol: As for...
  12. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash I agree with Lucy, I don't think it's based on anything. Just the lack of new episodes and people trying to think of new storylines that might happen. It would be a very un-CSI:Miami and un-Calleigh thing to do. I do have to say that "I...
  13. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash I love Dido, and I love that song. It's my 'sunken ship' song. Talking about sinking ships, y'all should check out my latest fanfic 'Invincible'. It's definitely not a good ending to our ship but hey, it's CaRWash fanfiction. I'll write fluff...
  14. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash Happy New Year and welcome back! I have not abandoned CaRWash, in fact I've been writing. There's just not much to talk about here so I've been doing other things. When I found out this thread had disappeared from SC I decided to get back in...
  15. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash I'll never get my head around people who KNOW they didn't post three lines, and then say that, but don't add more text to make it three lines. The CaRWash moment in 610 was CUTE! Probably the second best thing this season. Wow...
  16. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash When they got Danny and Lindsay together on CSI: New York, they said that romance would not play a big role on the other two CSIs. Before we knew it, Grissom and Sara had gotten together on CSI (don't even get me started on that!), and a...
  17. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash hahaguy, since the banner was made for someone else, you could have waited until that person had decided whether she wanted to use it. It wasn't made for you. And those were not 3 lines. CSIWATCHER, you terrible, terrible person! Where were...
  18. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash Thanks for the welcome back guys. The reason I was absent is because I had test week at school, but all is good now and I'll try to post more regularly. Talking about that three line rule, let's all pay attention to it again, k guys? It's...
  19. Dutchie

    Music @ The CaRWash - Calleigh & Ryan Songs

    Suzy, I love yours! I love Dido too, but I don't really think 'Here with me' is a CaRWash song. JMO. But uh...CookiMonstasBabe, weren't we supposed to explain WHY we liked particular songs for our pair? For example: I love this song for them because it really reminds me of their situation...
  20. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash hahaguy, would you mind putting that in a spoiler box? There are people in here don't want to know about that sort of stuff. The people who reacted to you did good in putting in a spoiler box. Hestia, it's indeed from Payback...and heyy...we...