Search results

  1. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    Kate, please read the post that's 3 places above you, and the same goes for CSIFray, the post 2 places above you. Kate, if you want to know what's going on, just read back in the thread. You'll find out everything you want to know. CaRWash_Cutie: First of all Happy Birthday! Second of all no...
  2. Dutchie

    CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Thank you Maud Wolfe. And your icons are gorgeous as well! Great job.
  3. Dutchie

    Marisol Delko/ Alana De LA Garza *SPOILERS*

    Re: Marisol Delko/Alana de la Garza - Bring Her Back Because it's TV, and when the writers decide to write someone off, as human as they might be, they get written off. They decided to kill Marisol, they did. She's not coming back. We saw her die. IF she survived we would've seen it. Doctors...
  4. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    that_girl1, please post a minimum of 3 on topic lines. Come on guys, I feel like a mod in here and I'm not and I don't want to act like that. Cooki, Katie didn't snap, she gave a reminder, and unfortunately those are necesairry in this thread. I don't understand why it's so hard to post 3 lines...
  5. Dutchie

    Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

    I thought the new thread was promised to Hestia. And kissmesweet you were not being ignored, in fact I said something to you on the last page. It was unnecesairry to type in Caps Lock letters. Also there's a difference between posting more and chatting...we want this thread to move faster, but...
  6. Dutchie

    Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party' Got it Jen ;) Thanks. OMG Ali, almost all the Jon Togo addicts have that song on their MySpace. I can think of 2 already :p And nice pic! cut someone off :( (just kidding, wrong thread) And dead air? Gosh, that was the only episode from...
  7. Dutchie

    Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

    Positivity cookies were already there before I came, but I think it was because Sandle is the postive ship. Because we always stay positive that it can happen :D And one day it will! *passes positivity cookies around* Sagre, welcome to the Sandle thread. Eva, great choice of pic, let's all...
  8. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    Katie, you're right, Calleigh asked him if he knew Jessop well, and Ryan replied that Jessop just started patrol when Ryan left (which makes no sense cause Jessop was there before Ryan was :p) and he also said he was a nice guy. YoBlngnSnckrsfan; Welcome here ;) Dani, you'll see the rest of...
  9. Dutchie

    Road Trip - CSI:Miami - "Crazy Eights"

    Lilly! How DARE you laugh at Ryan as he's asking you out! There goes his self-esteem. Yes I see it flying there. Oh god. Well if you don't want him, I will take him :p You're so mean. You don't laugh at Ryan. He was so cute...poor baby. *huggles Ryan and chases his self-esteem* Geni, first of...
  10. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    Well that certainly is a nice dream. But I'd like to point out that NED has it's own thread here. Although personally I don't have anything against NED, this thread still is there for CaRWash, and some people who ship CaRWash might not like NED. So let's keep things in their proper threads...
  11. Dutchie

    Sara/Greg #9 - "The Fannysmackin' Effect"

    Guys, I've opened a new thread right here, so come and join the party :D This thread may be locked now :)
  12. Dutchie

    Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

    Well, since you guys were 10 posts over the 1000 posts limit, I decided to open this new thread. For those who remember me: Hi! I'm back and still loving the Sandle :D For those who don't: I'm Nikki and have been a Sandler and poster in previous threads. Let's get the party started and the...
  13. Dutchie

    CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut Shh Jean. Wrong thread :p I noticed this too, they used to have multiple sets of clothing throughout the ep to show there were more days involved, but I think this has gone away a bit, hasn't it? Eric came back to week an episode...
  14. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    You don't crop a pic aimsavol, well you can, when you make an icon or banner out of it, but I didn't crop this one. In fact, I stole it from so I didn't even cap it :p Thanks for the good luck wishes, I'll need them. And yes it indeed looks like she's trying to or going to hold...
  15. Dutchie

    CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    And these are the ones I entered in the wide angles challenge: Please credit if you use ;)
  16. Dutchie

    Does 'Most Watched' equal 'The Best'? **NO SPOILERS**

    Why thank you Jen ;) Excellent idea if you ask me, since I've heard a lot of people say that the show is becoming worse in their opinion. My two cents: Well, CSI:Miami is still the top of my favorite tv-show list, but I have to admit that numbers 2 and 3 on that list are coming closer by the...
  17. Dutchie

    Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 I know about the time zones and the difference, but 7 posts in 15 minutes? Guys come on, please, I live in Holland, I have to actually sleep when most of you Americans and Canadians are still up, and every time I wake up there's like a new page. Yes there are a lot of...
  18. Dutchie

    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    It's fine for you to be a multishipper Vave. You can like both :) I love the Collision scene. I'm a spoiler whore though, so by the time I was seeing it on tv, I'd already heard everything about it and I'd seen it already. So it wasn't all that special anymore. Nevertheless, I remember being...
  19. Dutchie

    The music video thread *DELETED*

    Re: The music video thread Well, I don't think there is a video thread, because we're not allowed to link to fanvids like this, due to copyright infrigment(sp?). Or at least I thought that was it. You can PM people the links to your vids though, if they're interested. ;) ETA: Ah, someone beat...