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  1. Rainack

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    Re: What Are You Reading?-#3 All excellent books! I too am a huge Star Wars fan! :) For those of us who are Star Wars fans, I highly recommend the Republic Commando books. They delve into the lives of the clone troops and their upbringing. Really shows that even though they are clones...
  2. Rainack

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    My mom and I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 last weekend. As all of the movies have done so far, it follows the book very closely. Can't wait for July and Part 2!
  3. Rainack

    Season 11 Spoiler Pic Thread

    That's exactly what I was thinking! This will be a good episode to get some Nick and Greg out of for a story!
  4. Rainack

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    Re: What Are You Reading?-#3 At home, I'm reading one called The Unit. It's about a family who survives the end of the world, and how they work together to keep going. It bounces point of view between the four family members as well as a few others. At school (I'm a 4th grade teacher) I...
  5. Rainack

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #11

    Hmm... Me thinks me should set that up on the DVR. :) Nice to be able to get a dose of George twice a week. :) I think it's really cool that it actually sounds like him. There are so many actors that change their voice when they're doing cartoons like this, that you can't even tell it's them.
  6. Rainack

    Season 11 Spoiler Pic Thread

    You can find the scanner codes on the internet, the problem is, CSI has their own codes. I guess so that people aren't using them over their scanners and sending the real police on wild goose chases, or something. Code 4 is the only code that seems to be used in both RL and on CSI. Where the...
  7. Rainack

    "Wild Life" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I figured the one girl would wake up as soon as Ray touched her. I managed not to jump. :)
  8. Rainack

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #11

    I don't think it was her he was trying to convince. :lol: He was trying to convince himself. ;)
  9. Rainack

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Great caps! Loved those looks!
  10. Rainack

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #11

    I too wondered a bit about that. Hopefully we haven't heard the last of it. Just hope Nick doesn't have a major break down. Maybe just enough to make him realize he does still need to go talk to the shrink.
  11. Rainack

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #40

    Ok, cool! I'm glad George won out, too! Something smaller might have been okay, along the lines of what Warrick had on his upper arm, where it could be covered, but not something as big as that dragon.
  12. Rainack

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    Re: What Are You Reading?-#3 I am now reading Dean Koontz's Relentless. He's my favorite author, and this book is proving to be just as intense as all of his others, if a bit on the odd side.
  13. Rainack

    CSI Soundtrack to be released in 2011!

    This is AWESOME! I have the first one, with the songs, and there are two instrumentals at the end. I have been wanting something with all instrumentals for a while, so glad it's finally happening!
  14. Rainack

    "Fracked" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Wow! That was an intense scene! Can't wait to watch tonight! :)
  15. Rainack

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #40

    After looking at this photo, I realized something: Nick has what looks like a dragon tattoo on his arm. I know this ep was from the first season, I'm thinking the pilot? Was the tat something TPTB were going to have him have, and then decided against? I'm pretty sure I have never seen that...
  16. Rainack

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Love the caps! I don't suppose you could put them into a banner for me. ;)
  17. Rainack

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Yeah, I loved that one, too. In the scene between Greg and Catherine, I could so see her asking Greg to talk to Nick about his decision not to go to anymore therapy sessions.
  18. Rainack

    "Bump and Grind" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Just as long as the episode doesn't turn out the way Nick's coin toss win did! :eek:
  19. Rainack

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    To men in general, Is it too much to ask to find a nice man who will take the time to get to know me, and take me out, without wanting to play games or get in my pants! Why do you bother to sign up on sites like eHarmony if you're not willing to respond to requests to communicate? I'm not made...