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  1. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    Anybody know where i can find the Men's Fitness magazine with George on it? I've looked EVERYWHERE and i cant find it. :( Are you sure it came out yet?
  2. Stokes626

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    OMG! John M. Jackson's in this episode?!?!:eek: I loved him too on JAG! :thumbsup:
  3. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    Okay, i understand. That way seems easier. I'll try it out. Thanks a lot for the help! :) Your boomark is really cute! Looks like you have a friend with great taste. :drool:
  4. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    Ohhhh! I see what i did. What a dumb mistake. :rolleyes: Lemme' see if i can get this right: Handsome :adore: As for the subtitles, i've been highlighting the link once i post it and then type in what i want to say. Is that what i'm suppossed to do or no?
  5. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    Okay, i think i've got this figured out. :rolleyes: Let's see if i can successfully post my first pict: Surfer :drool: Did it work? Question: How can i add like a subtitle to my pict thats longer than one word?
  6. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    Okay i have a request for you ladies: Would any of you happen to have any pictures of Nick with his hat on backwards? I just found 2 on photobucket and i cant stop myself from drooling over them :drool::drool: There's just something about a man and a backwards hat.....:luvlove:
  7. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    Hey ladies: Lovin the new caps from last week's ep.:drool: Where are you guys getting these picts from?
  8. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    OMG BOOKGIRL20!!! :eek::eek: Where did you find the car one?!?! That's the one i've been looking for! You wouldnt happen to have that one in a bigger size would you? You are my life saver! :thumbsup: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For posting that!
  9. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    Okay so i know this kinda off topic but i'm desperate at the moment so bare with me here :rolleyes:: I'm sure (hope) a bunch of you ladies have Evel Knievel on DVD and was wondering if any of you would happen to know where i could find a list of the songs played throughtout the mmovie? My...
  10. Stokes626

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    OMG!! This is hiliarious! I can't wait until next week! "I rolled that bad boy didn't I?" :guffaw: Oh Nick, you're too funny. We finally get to have an episode dedicated to just the boys. :thumbsup: I'm really looking forward to this! This may end up being my new favorite episode. :lol:
  11. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    I'm glad to hear that i can snag your great picts. I will definatly keep your signatures on them. Okay so about uploading into my album, how exactly do you do that? :alienblush:
  12. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    Hey ladies: Okay so i finally got a photobucket and have got some pictures in my albums. But i've got a quetion: Do you ladies only get your Nick/George picts from Photobucket or can you save a picture in your documents and then upload them onto photobucket? Because i've seen a bunch of...
  13. Stokes626

    Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

    Hey *waves* I'm Stokes626! I'm a Jersey girl and proud of it. :rolleyes: I know,how corny is that? Haha. Anyway i've only been a CSI fan for about a year. I started watching it last year in a Law Enforcement class i was taking. And its kinda funny because originally i didnt want to watch it...
  14. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    I know i just posted but i just remembered... While i was looking at the previous George/Nick Ward picts sections, someone posted a picture of Evel in on the drivers side of a car, and his arms were up on top of the doors. If any of you guys have that pict could you post it for me? I've been...
  15. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    Hey guys: Thanks you ladies SO much for the warm welcomes and the georgeous picts of Evel, :drool: especially to Jacquie! :thumbsup: I'm so happy to know where i can ask/request any picts of our gorgeous man George! I would join you ladies in these contests but i unfortunatly have no...
  16. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

    I know this isn't the right place to ask this but i didn't know where else to put this but.... Does anybody know where i can find good Evel Knievel pictures? Or could you post any of them? I'm trying to draw a collage and i just cant find any good ones. :( I would REALLY apprecite it...
  17. Stokes626

    "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

    Re: "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2 Ohhhh okay :rolleyes: Thanks a lot you two! :)
  18. Stokes626

    Screencaps, Fonts, & More! - Request Thread

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me where i can get good pictures of Nick with his hat and/or vest on? Like a specific site or somewhere with just him? I'm trying to find a good picture to draw and i'm having trouble. :scream: Oh btw thanks Blackflag for the Stalker picts! They're...
  19. Stokes626

    "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

    Re: "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2 This is a simple question: What's Nick's parent's names? I can't remember and i can't find it anywhere! :(
  20. Stokes626

    Screencaps, Fonts, & More! - Request Thread

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me where i could find some screencdaps from the episode Stalker from season 2 of CSI? :confused: I've been looking everywhere and i cant find a picture of Nick with the bandaid on his head. :(