Search results

  1. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Good evening ladies! It's just starting to snow here in New Jersey. We're on the border of 8-12 & 12-16 inches, but it doesn't matter. Either way, i've got a snow day tomorrow. :) Congrats on the win Princess! Just one set from me for this theme: Processing # 1 Processing # 2 with a...
  2. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Congrats on the win Stokes4george! Mine too! :) Only one set for me as well. I'll be too glued to the TV with the game on later. :lol: Set One: Blue Everywhere Blue light shadow on face with a side of Open Nick :drool: Blue shirt and wall in background Blue Shirt with a side of buzz :drool...
  3. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Surprisingly, i haven't had any problems with PB (knocks on wood) :lol: T-shirt Set Two: T-shirt # 6 :drool: T-shirt # 7 :adore: :drool: T-shirt # 8 They shoulda kept this picture in color T-shirt # 9 T-shirt # 10 T-shirt # 11 T-shirt # 12
  4. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    After all the guessing and predictions of getting a foot or more of snow.....we only managed to get about 6inches. Dopey weather men! :rolleyes: Congrats on the win Yoshi! Nice to see you dropped by again. T-shirt Set One: T-shirt # 1 T-shirt # 2 T-shirt # 3 T-shirt # 4 T-shirt # 5...
  5. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Thanks for the picts Stokes4george! Set Two: Cowboy Crinkles Red Carpet Crinkles Beach Babe Crinkles :drool: Gum Drops Crinkles Smiling Crinkles Monte Carlo Crinkles
  6. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Thanks for the input Jacquie. As soon as i posted, i realized that. :lol: Oh well, thanks anyway. Congrats on the win Blackflag! A boat load of crinkles coming your way! Set one: Up Close Crinkles What is that? Crinkles With a side of backwards hat :drool: Smirking Crinkles My Favorite...
  7. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Well Punxsutawney Phil finally got it right. It's been snowing for the past hour and will be until 8am tomorrow morning. :rolleyes: My Second Set: Season 7 Nick Season 8 Nick Season 9 Nick Season 10 Nick Season 5 Nick :drool: Season 3 Nick :drool: How do you delete a folder in Photobucket?
  8. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Happy Groundhog Day everybody! Congrats on the win NickyFan! Interesting choice of theme, i like it. :thumbsup: My first set: Season 1 Nick Season 2 Nick Season 3 Nick :luvlove: Season 4 Nick Call me! :lol: Season 5 Nick Season 6 Nick
  9. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Congrats Stokes4george! Favorite hair styles comin right up! Set one: Viva Buzz! :drool: The Clean Cut look :adore: Season 6 Long Hair Season 1 kinda messy Bed Head :guffaw: Early Season 10
  10. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Good afternoon ladies! What a crazy morning i had today. Snowing more than it was suppossed to, so i drove to school today to find out that after we were there for about 15mins, they were closing school and sending us home. Long story short there was a lot of mass confusion, but i finally made...
  11. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Man i am on a streak here! I think it's pretty funny you picked that one as a winner. I think it's just a "too-cute" of a pict of George. So thank you Blackflag for sending this hot tamalie to me. :drool: I found him standing next to my car out in the parking lot waiting for me. A new theme...
  12. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Congrats on the win Blackflag! I'm loving the theme! Set one: Cheese! Smile 2 :adore: Baby George Smile Smile 4 Smile 5 Crinkles! :adore:
  13. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Congrats to Smokey first off for the first win of the year. And second to NickyFan on making it to 1,000 posts already. Wow, thats crazy. Blue, my favorite color! :thumbsup: Set one: Blue everywhere Dark Blue Shirt :luvlove: Blue Profile and Buzz :drool: Back Blue Dark Blue :adore: Mmmm...
  14. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Good afternoon Ladies! Unfortunatly my celebration with Nick has come to an end. :( Time to send him off to the next Ward Girl. Runners up: Athersgeo I love Snakes, with the vest and hat Speedystokesgirl I know you weren't playing but i really like that tie! Blackflag :lol: His facial...
  15. Stokes626

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #11

    So I just noticed that i'm coming up on 50 posts, finally! :) And i've been looking at a bunch of you guys' avatars and love them! I was just wondering if you guys could tell me where you got your avatars? Are there specific sites or did you guys make your own?
  16. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Thanks for the win Stokes4george! I hope ur Internet gets fixed! Perfect timing, i just got home from my last day of exams and found this simling hunk waiting for me in my driveway. :hugegrin: Time for some celebrating. :devil: Since i've been here at the Ward, i've pretty much been able to...
  17. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Congrats on the win Stokes4george! Gotta love a man with shades! Set numero uno: Bang! Bang! Shades two for one deal Shades 2 Buzz & Shades :drool: You talkin' to me? Shades :lol: Viva Shades another twofer! Beach Bum Shades :drool: BTW how pairs of shades can one man own? Holy moly! :wtf:
  18. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Second Set: Disgusted Open Nick Dirty Open Nick :devil: Buzz & Open Nick:adore: Open Nick 10] Open Nick 11 Open Nick 12
  19. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Congrats on the win Princess! And Jaquie, those shower picts.....HALLELUJIA! :drool: Yummo! Open Nick comin right up: Hmmmm...Open Nick? Open Nick 2 Blue Open Nick :drool: Looky what I got! :lol: Jump Suit Open Nick Open Nick 6 :luvlove: Can someone get me a drool bucket?:drool::drool:
  20. Stokes626

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Second Set: Vest Porn 7 Green Vest Porn :adore: Mmmm tastey! Vest Porn :lol: The "I'm such a stud leaning up against this car" Vest Porn :guffaw: Vest Porn 11 Tough Guy Vest Porn:cool: