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  1. K

    Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

    I like to think they got together sometime after Unbearable and before ABRTI because it would be pretty stupid for him to ask Spork out to dinner while he is starting a new relationship with Sara. But I did notice that Sara is very cold towards Spork up until around the time Committed aired...
  2. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill" I don't remember that. What part of the show did that happen in? :eek:
  3. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill" We aren't sure if she has gotten the letter yet or not. I'm going to assume he has already given it to her or is going to give it to her in the next couple of episodes.
  4. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill" I like GSR Letters of Love the best but it wasn't an option in the poll. I only voted for 2 in the poll. Laboratory Tango and Waiting 7 years for this to hatch.
  5. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill" Tonight's episode bored me a little. Maybe I'm just sleepy.
  6. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill" I like Lab Tango as a thread title. JF's description of their relationship was so cute. Do we think our geeks will bring up Valentines day tomorrow? That would so make my week if they did.
  7. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

    I just wonder if they are keeping JF info about signing on next season a secret from the public because it may have something to do with the season finale. I mean if her life is in danger and she could possibly die, if she signs on for season 8 then we will know she won't die. So maybe they...
  8. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill" edited to add spoiler code
  9. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    AAHHHH! I haven't gotten my TV guide yet. Should be here tomorrow. Woo, can't wait.
  10. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    I think Sara put the cocoon in his office because she spends sooooo much time at work, plus what a better place. Grissom's office. When she was looking around his office, you could clearly tell she was missing him. But it didn't look like an angry look, more like a longing look. I wish...
  11. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Why a frowning face after that statement? Didn't you do any good? I went last Tuesday and won $1500. :cool: I go to Indiana because the stiffs in Ohio don't think gambling would be wise. :mad: OK GSR related stuff........I wish CBS would post a copy of that letter on their website, but I...
  12. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    I liked "No Dear" the "Ecklie knows look" and the chainsaw experiment. They were all pretty cute scenes.
  13. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Is it 9:00 yet? It's sad I was working today and thinking about CSI coming on tonight and I went past my exit and went about 6 miles too far. Plus it was snowing pretty hard. Boy am I an accident waiting to happen or what? Good thing I own the business, I don't have to worry about being...
  14. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Oh my Gosh! I almost peed myself when I read that. :lol: Wonder if WP knows how to play the banjo ewwww or even worse squeal like a pig since he's been to Lady Heather's chamber of torture. roflmao :D I need sleep.
  15. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Time of Your Death has got to be the best eye sex I have ever seen anyone give. The only man on this earth that I think has sexier eyes and sexier gray hair than Billy P is Richard Gere. My god that man gives me goosebumps.
  16. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill" Deleted post....rules suck!
  17. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    How do I post an avatar on here? I'm computer illiterate.
  18. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    I voted for TOYD. My god, I just about busted thru the TV just to jump his bones....he's got such sexy eyes. I knew they always had a thing for each other (especially from Sara's perspective, she doesn't hide it too well) but this is what finally confirmed my suspicions. When I saw the end of...
  19. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    I voted for Sounds of Silence "other women" and the "cocoon" . For Grissom I voted "butterflied" and "hunger artist". Is it Thursday yet? :lol:
  20. K

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Tell my husband that. :lol: He thinks I spend way too much time thinking about GSR. He said he can't wait till spring comes so I will go outside and do something healthy. Poor man, he has no clue how healthy GSR is to my brain. ;)