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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Lucky Frank... :adore: LoL
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ If u want a very detailed spoiler there is the thread "rewie csi Miami habeas corpse" if u want know generally what's happened with Sam that's it:
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Let me say this...Goodbye Samantha!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally. Than, I'm completely agree with all of u... Jon is such amazing. But I would preferred not to see so much emotions for Sam in the hospital scene. She doesn't deserve Ryan's feeling...
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    Episode 10x19 - 'Habeas Corpse' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Unfortunately I've to wait an other day to see the ep. but I'm too curios to know what's end up with Samantha? Can anybody tell me?!! Thanks :)
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    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    I saw it and I had a little hope for the future... Poor Ryan is so sweet! :adore:
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    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    I really hope horatio was referring to samantha... I would hate to see Ryan treated this way. And I can't stand Sam anymore. Unfortunately on Friday I'm leaving for Italy and I won't see the episode, so please cross your fingers even for me ;)
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    Which CSI: Miami character are you most like?

    I got Erik... :)
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    Episode 10x18 - 'Law & Disorder' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I don't know guys, I don't think Sam will kill anybody... Her boyfriend is a betrayed and even she is??? Too easy, that would be one way to put her out of the show, but I can't see her kill somebody...
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ After this episode I suppose we will see Ryan and Sam together. :brickwall:
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    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    Sorry I forget the "c" it's excited! My mistake :)
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    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    Eva La rue twitter: "I hope w all my heart that CSI Miami gets picked up,but when annced that we were in limbo,I knew I needed to look 4 a new gig just in case!" "super exited about the new pilot cuz it's a comedy! If it doesn't get picked up tho,and CSI does, I can still go back"
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    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    That's exactly the first thing that came to my mind... I hope not...
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ OMG thank you greatfan!!!
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    Episode 10x17 - 'At Risk' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Good episode, I give it a "A"... Really like Calleigh! About Sam and Dr. Loman? My face was like :confused: but at the end I find the thing funny... Ryan and the dog, not a fairy love;), maybe they don'tlike his surname LoL...
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    CSI SpinOffs in Limbo

    she wrote that it's all they know... Even they haven't additional information for the moment...
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    CSI SpinOffs in Limbo

    Eva La Rue posted this on twitter
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    Episode 10x16 - 'Rest in Pieces' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Great episode. I appreciative Raquel Welch very much, she did a really good job. I agree with Greatfan, Ryan didn't appear a lot but he was important... And gorgeous as ever :)
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Maybe she wore it cause she likes Ryan and at the she will leave her boyfriend for him. Terrible. :shifty: I hope to have said a very big stupid thing. ;)
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    Episode 10x15 - 'No Good Deed' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    LOL that's exactly What I felt too :lol:
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    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Gorgeous as ever!!! Thanks for posting this pics! :lol: