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  1. E

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    Back again after a long miserable abscence... :( But! The swedish edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows are being released in 3 and a half hours, so I am overjoyed anyhow! :D Yeah! Wedges FTW!! :D I love them. They are soo awesome and prettiful and slightly dysfunctional...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    God, I haven't been around here for ages. I apologize. And I blame it on several things. Namely, I watched Living Doll last week (and that episode rocked!!!!) and I suddenly realized that: "OMG, Sara is going to disappear." I had an epithany. Angst. It just pains me to even think about CSI...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    I can. And then my head explodes and my keybord gets drenched in drool. Oh, the things Ms Fox can do to my sanity! Not to mention William Petersen. In a tux.*dies* Honestly, I don't think they'll invite the rest of the team. I don't even think they'll announce their engagement and (?)...
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    Creative Halloween Costume Ideas

    Brilliant thread, desert! I am in Sweden where Halloween haven't caught on really yet. But we're getting there. ;) I love Halloween and all the dressing up. The problem is; not many people in Sweden (including me) knows when Halloween is. The date is very vague. I am not going to be dressed up...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    I am back with a hangover (NO! Not that kind of hangover. More like...cake-hangover. Party last night. Chocolate-banana cheesecake. 'nuff said.) so I'll keep this short. You got an 'Inside GSR' show...*turns green with envy*. That's it. I'm totally going to take up that offer about...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    Re: Grissom & Sara #31 :TBA Gilbert Blythe AND Gilbert Grissom. We're not short of good associations. :D Actually, I think Gilbert was a surname from the beginning which crossed over to become its own name (think of it like Ashley). Maybe I should name my guitarr (Oh, father! Why did you...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    Re: Grissom & Sara #31 :TBA WORD. :D OMG! You used the abbrevation DH! And I understood! *dies* I know what you mean about the spelling Jorja. I usually don't like "creativ spellings" of names , e.g Makenzi etc., but Jorja is beautiful. I love it too. :) I agree. It doesn't seem like...
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    Sara Will Be Back

    Gah! I mix their names up all the time!:D I love HodgesWendy. Hope they'll get some screentime now.
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    Sara Will Be Back

    Well, all I can say is that I am happy that Jorja will be back and that my previous dislike of CM has vanished. :) Seriously, I love CSI and all it stands for (the original show though, can't stand Miami... :mad:), but without Jorja...I might as well jump over to BBC's Robin Hood then. I am not...
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    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    Re: Grissom & Sara #31 :TBA Woho! New thread! *celebrates by eating candy* Lol at the Mrs. Sara Grissom.:lol: I remember back in those days when GSR weren't canon yet, how it was discussed on this thread hether Sara would keep her maiden name or if she was going to hypen it. Seriously, I have...
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    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Maybe...they are just fooling us? Jorja got herself some attention in the Swedish newpapers today. Okay, it was a short notice in Stockholm City (think of it as Metro), but still ! Anyways it said: The American actress Jorja Fox has done "a Persbrandt" (Note: Mikael Persbrandt is a...
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    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    I agree BabyBunting. It is just a programme and Jorja's feelings are the most important ones to consider. In her other interview she stated that it was her own call and not the writers. That makes me happy. :) It was Jorja who wanted to leave because of proffesional and personal reasons, and I...
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    What is your favourite anime?

    I don't watch or read that much manga or anime. I have a friend who does and I decided to write her a fan fiction for her birthday, so I had to do some research...Needless to say, I was hooked. :D The show is Ouran High School Host Club. I just love it. It is sooo darn pretty! And...
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    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    'Ending Happy' was on yesterday and I loved it! I am seriosuly crushing on Grissom's hat at the moment. It...fits him. And OMG Peter Stormare! :eek: I don't think you Americans realize how big he is in his home country (Sweden). Everybody loves him. And Stellan Skarsgård. They are the only...
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    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan I hate myself for not being here more ofter, especially in the past days. But now I'm here again and ready to sque!:D I need to get back to my sewing again. It is very hard to concentrate when you're reading this. :D
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    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan It sounded like a great episode. Sigh..."Hello, Gilbert" made me swoon when I read it. And the name Gilbert has never sounded more sexy. And plus all the spoilers and the whole Burma-thing, I've recieved the news that...
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    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan Oh God! She lives! Woho! *celebration* And just because of that... I am so in shock right now that I can't say anything coherent.
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    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan It is about 11 pm here so...that makes it about 6 hours until it airs. I think...My brain is not working very well. SaraSidleRules8, what a jerk! :mad: Evil boss. Seriously, I would probably have killed him with one look (since I...
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    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan One day to go! :eek: Must be optemistic, must be optimistic... Lol, you sound like me when I was planning on going to London when the finale aired (about 2th July?) just so I could get a hotel room and watch it! :lol: I hate living...
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    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan Only 2 more days! :) For you that is...*sulks* :lol: at saraXsullivan: Great idea for a party! I've been thinking about something similar for Halloween. Good luck desert in your hunt for the cast members of CSI. Hope you'll find...