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    Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

    Tonights eppy.. Mmmm lots a Ryan :p
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    Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

    Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11 ok my bad it was last weeks. darn.... :( TV guide cover Hopefully watching Miami tonight and seeing david will help cheer me up a little.
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    CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

    A. Get Mad...:lol:...really mad. (since he never does) B. Captain James T. Kirk
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    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    Thanks *gladly takes hug* I didn't watch NY but i did watch Miami... I didn't want to see Open Season at first but now i've seen a few previews and I want to see it. I like the bunnies.:lol:
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    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    Hey MB that's cool you worked in Hollywood... I notice make up on guys a lot. Well I sorta sell makeup so i tend to notice it alot more. I don't think gary really needed it but oh well...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

    Ladies, You all made me smile with your wanting Jon shirtless :) I had a rough day. I'm glad i can come here and get some cheering up. I'm with you too. *jumps up and down* I want shirtless Ryan. They've had shirtless Mac, Greg, Nick and Warrick. Why not Ryan?
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    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    Thanks MBGrissom .. You made me smile with your post about gary liking the "F" word. I had a really rough day. I had one of my rats pass away today. He was sick so it was for the best. It's also been a tough couple weeks, but coming here helped get through it. Everyone knows how to make each...
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    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    who knows.. I know he's wears a little on NY. But geez... it was bad in MTM.. CSI NY touch up..:lol:
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    Hottest Men from all Three CSI's?

    oh i can only pick three. I like all the men :) Ok in that case Umm. CSI: Miami: Horatio/David Caruso-Mmm well, Love the blue eyes, red hair, and he's tall. In other movies i like his accent :) and did I meantion the blue eyes?? Plus he can pull of any color of shirt and suit. CSI: NY Mac/Gary...
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    Natalia Boa Vista poll: KEEP HER or LOSE HER???

    LMAO :lol: Just lose her already.. Dang is she annoying and whiney.. and now she's gone and drug Eric into her drama. I wish that she would be out on a scene with H and totally screw up in front of H, so he can wake up :eek: and see she's not meant to be a field CSI.
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    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    szmandatogoholic Great picture Where did you find it?
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    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    REALLY!!!!!!! :eek:
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    Hey has anybody else noticed that they don't have opening credits anymore???
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    Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

    What a look Jon has.. It's almost a death wish look :devil: :lol: I'm sorry but that shirt is really ugly :p :rolleyes:
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    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    I just watch Misson to Mars yesterday.. It was ok. Gary had on way too much eyeliner, it bugged me through the whole movie. I wanted to smack the make up artist. :lol: I should have some lovely screencaps soon... here's a tiny one to share :)
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    Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

    Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11 David is going to be on this weeks cover of TV guide.. Yippee!! I'll just have to go buy one :)
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    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    Smiles smiles 2
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    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    you know i noticed something the other night watching. Gibbs hasn't smacked anybody on the back of the head.. That was my favorite part. :lol: wonder whats up.
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    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    yeah it sold..
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    Grade 'Hung Out to Dry'

    It was a really good eppy. When they found the dead girl in the beging was kinda gross. I don't have a high tolerance of grossness but CSI has help me out alot. every now and then i still get grossed out. I like the visual effects. Like when Mac was looking at all the shirts and putting all...