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  1. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    I realy like how we've seen more of Mac's sense of humour in recent episodes, we really need more of those scenes between him and Sid! As for the change in him starting to trust his gut feelings, I'm with Jools on this one, the evidence did show "Joe" didn't kill the bank manager, he wasn't to...
  2. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Welcome aboard CSI Stokes Girl! Glad you're giving NY another chance for Gary! I love Apollo 13 too, I know I've said it before, but the waking-up-in-white-underwear scene is a classic :)
  3. Seren_y_Gogledd

    "For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Alas poor Warrick, we knew him well. I'm so glad I managed to avoid the spoilers, WOW what a shock - just after the scene in the diner, where it looked like we'd have a happy ending for once, it was so different from last season, and then the ending! Even Voiceover Woman on Five was shocked...
  4. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Ooops, What a mistake!

    LV did this too, with Jon Wellner as Henry - before that, he'd been in an earlier episode as another character. Outside the CSI universe, The X Files did it with Nicholas Lea (he was someone else before he played Krycek) and don't even get me started on the MESS of casting that was any of the...
  5. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    Well, here we have another "something else that's called Mac and makes you think of our Mac"... The Parents have got a new dog called MacKenzie (they didn't choose the name) and have already started calling him Mac. Which would be a lot funnier if said dog wasn't a leg-humper...
  6. Seren_y_Gogledd

    GLBT - Four letters not found in CSI:NY

    I agree, Adam would be a good choice for a bisexual character. They wouldn't need to have a huge Coming Out scene, maybe just a throwaway line ("...looks a bit like my ex-boyfriend" for example) with the other characters not responding in any way because they already knew and couldn't care less...
  7. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    Hehe, I'm guilty of that too - last season when they were fighting to get the lab back in Snow Day, and all I bother to notice is Wet Mac. Although I suspect many others were guilty of that too, along with Shirtless Mac in COTP. Still, it's another excuse to buy the DVDs or catch the Sunday...
  8. Seren_y_Gogledd

    GLBT - Four letters not found in CSI:NY

    While I think there should be a much more positive portrayal of GLBT characters on CSI:NY, I hope they don't just 'out' a main character and have them be the 'token gay'. I can think of only two incidents in the whole franchise (correct me if there are any Miami ones, I don't watch it) where a...
  9. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Actually I like the eyeliner, on Gary at least. By the way, more Gary drooling this week here in the UK. There's The Forgotten on Five tonight (Again?! Did the aliens make them forget they've already shown it loads of times?). Then over the weekend (Sunday, I think) we have Apollo 13 on ITV1...
  10. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    Welcome aboard RearWindow! I was watching Fare Game again last night (got the urge 'cos the chef from that ep was in Scrubs and I had to check it was him!), I love that scene at the end where Mac has the bet with Danny - and then invites everyone over for pizza in his office! I've heard a lot...
  11. Seren_y_Gogledd

    "The Theory of Everything" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Thank you Adzix! I was thinking of Chaos Theory too! Not much more I can add to this, seeing as everybody's already started, but... some classic lines in this episode. Yet again Brass was fantastic! (It seems every time I review an episode I'm mentioning Brass more and more.) I loved the...
  12. Seren_y_Gogledd

    CSI Season 8 - UK Thread

    The next episode over here will be The Theory Of Everything, tonight at 9pm on Five.
  13. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    Yay for more assets! And that one of him in bed, answering the phone :"Hello? What do you mean, turn the computer on? Who is this? And why do you keep giggling when you say the word 'assets'?"
  14. Seren_y_Gogledd

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    Ditto for spotting Sonya Walger on Numb3rs last night: "It's Jane! What's she doing with Charlie?!"
  15. Seren_y_Gogledd

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    Wonder if they're actually going to put a serial killer in jail this time? It seems that they nearly always get killed rather than arrested, or they commit suicide. Don't really have much to say, the episode was ruined by too much reading of the EPG which serves me right. Suffice it to say...
  16. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Doctor Who!

    There were some great little references in this week's episode. Not only the "Are You My Mummy?" when the Doctor put his gas mask on, but just after the conversation with one of the Sontarans, when the Doctor got annoyed with them and changed the channel to watch Tommy Zoom. Great joke - Tommy...
  17. Seren_y_Gogledd

    Doctor Who!

    I was thinking the same thing! Maybe it's going to be the cliffhanger resolution - but if so, it would be very contrived and nowhere near as funny as "Go to your room!". (Remember that from The Doctor Dances?)
  18. Seren_y_Gogledd

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    Hey, has anyone seen those KFC adverts? I think they're just in the UK, but they might show up elsewhere. They're pictures of KFC food made out of fingerprints. I have such an urge to scan them and run them through AFIS...
  19. Seren_y_Gogledd

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

    Blatant fix. George should have won hands down! (mmm, those hands... ahem.) I just saw Drops Out last night, what a fantastic episode for those of us who like to look at Nick (er, and follow the evidence, catch the killer etc... but mainly Nick). Wow, those sunglasses and that shirt - and we...