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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    Thanks for the episode´s title ;). Yeah, Green Piece and Party´s Over were great scenes, too, especially the latter was very moving and sweet, Stella thinking for a split second to walk after him and surely meaning to tell him that he shouldn´t be alone right now, but then deciding that maybe...
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Hi, Stellarinas :), and Hi Van:D, Oh, thank you :alienblush:, and I agree with you :D:p and I return the compliment ;). Well, tastes are different, aren´t they ;)? And Harry Potter is really the exception to the rule for me, because usually I don´t read fantasy books at all. But these books...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    Yes, I remember both these scenes very well and they are so great. But I also love this rather serious scene from S3, when Adam tells her the result of her HIV-test, that she is negative and Stella is so relieved and tells him that now she can make plans again for her life and have dreams about...
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    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

    Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire I thought the same; that poor guy seems to have experienced all sorts of dramas and tragedies in his life. But if it helps to get him a great episode- then so be it! :D
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Hi Dears and dearest still singing LAMM:D, OK, there´s a sort of discrepancy between your facial expressions and the ones of your music teacher and I wonder why this is so :D. So, what are you going to sing on Tuesday to convince your teacher :D? Good luck for the both of you :lol:. Happy she...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    I´m just glad if Adam is at all in an episode, I always miss him terribly, when he isn´t there. And it´s good when he has funny scenes with the other members of the team as well, though I prefer when he has fun with Stella :lol:.
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Hi, Van, you can call me Bea btw. ;), I wonder if there´s also so little of Athena in the first book, or if the script writers changed her into almost non-existant, and I wonder if there´s more of Athena in the other books, which should then mean that there´d be more of her in the sequel movies-...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    I hope she´ll remember what she said in her speech in Manhattanhenge when she´s rescued out of the pool :D. And I agree, when she said that line then, it was Adam she looked at and he looked back very endearing :drool:.
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Hey, aussie, thank you for your review and as I trust you on this, it will prevent me now from wasting money and time for a movie that never really interested me apart from having Melina in a different role for a change than Stella Bonasera. But now that her appearance is so short and...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    I watched "Sanguine Love" finally, and Stella looked a bit p.....when she said to Danny "I hope you hit him", but an instant later she had again a smile on her face, so I suppose she wasn´t really annoyed with the latest fact she learnt about Adam: that he isn´t able to develop analogue films...
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Hey, Stellarinas, Axel, thanks so much for the link; I´m still laughing :lol:, Melina is the most entertaining, funniest, genuine, unpretentious, greatest star a talkshow host could wish for as guest, and you could see that Bonnie had a lot of fun, too :lol:. I could listen to Melina for hours...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    Oh, yes, they MUST write Adam in in that episode :devil:. I imagine the whole team-family is going to visit Stella in the hospital, but Adam is in the first row of visitors :lol:. Yeah, the Olympic Games are disturbing the show´s flow :(, hate to wait so long.
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Hey, all, thank you rmiller31 for the information. I hope soon after the show someone will put it on youtube or somewhere else, so that we can all watch it :drool:. Gell? :D Yes, I love that movie very much, too, and it would have been brilliant for Melina to play in it. But Zoe was already...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    :lol:, nah, I don´t think it´s going to happen the way that Smackies would love to have it. I mean, this will be around just the second time that Mac meets Ms. Doc and if she´s supposed to be his new love interest, he won´t dump her before even having started dating her properly, only because...
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Hey, Dears, it´s so great to have something to look forward involving Melina that´s different to CSI. Don´t get me wrong, I love Stella Bonasera, but it´ll be great to watch her in a completely different role :). starrybluemoon, thanks for the link. This special scene that Melina describes...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    Well, haven´t watched the last episode yet, so I´m curious to find out if Stella said the words with an amused undertone or really slightly "unsettled" as I read in a comment ;). I agree with you about Haylen; I think Adam was just totally surprised and also a bit disappointed that of all lab...
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Hi Stellarinas, thanks for the link, Perl:). Well, I guess Melina is approaching exciting days and weeks, with her daughters ready to watch Mummy for the first time on screen :lol: and with 6.18 being another Stella-episode. Well, also exciting prospects for us ;). How many...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    Well, we´ll have to wait and see if Sheldon really gets his love interest, now that they give Mac a new relationship. TPTB change their original plans very often, it seems. Maybe Sheldon will have to wait now until the next season, poor sod :lol:. Well, I think that Adam never really liked...
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Hi Stellarinas and welcome starrybluemoon from me, too :). I hope you´ll have lots of fun here. Enjoy! :thumbsup:. Well, let´s see what Carmine has thought out for tonight´s episode ;). Servus, Dusty, wie gehts? :D Thanks for the links. Yes, Melina´s accent sounds sweet; her Granny found that...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    Sorry, that I obviously posted an old interview of AJ; I know he did one around season´s beginning, but since this was now posted in the news section in January, I thought this was a different and more current one. Well, was probably just wishful thinking :(. Anyway, I hate it how TPTB...