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  1. C

    ~The Break Room~ - Off-Topic Thread #2

    yeah that is a bit weird but did you just laught at him?
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 yeah i agree, but to make it more dermatic i think they will
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    Criminal Minds

    i agree with you Maiel but i also love it i really enjoy all the phycology of it.
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    The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread

    Re: The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread Yes Rest in Peace Jack.
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    yeah i agree, the cyberwomen was a cool idea for the writers
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    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    my is my labador dog Poppy
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    The CSI: Miami Blooper Thread

    oh yeah i just watched that episode on DVD and i've never ntoiced that before
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    What's Your Birthdate?/The Happy Birthday Thread #2

    sorry it's late but happy birthday to you
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    How old are You?

    I'm 19 years old and loving it
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    Saddam Hussein Sentenced to Death by Hanging

    i have to agree missrossfox i think death is the easy way out i think he has to be put away for life hot killed
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    Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome. it feels strange being one of you but a confortable strange.
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    The Office

    i agree i think they do as well
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    Top Ten Rated Shows

    desperate howswives is rubbish i watched a ouple of episodes but i now find any reason what so ever NOT to watch it.
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    Doctor Who!

    ah yeah it's really cool show i think you should watch it
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 ooh havn't heared about that
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    Welcome to General TV & Media!

    i love shrek 2 as well but i prefere 1
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin". lol my first episode was the pilot i watched it with my mum
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    Rock/Alternative music

    i like rock music and i'm ok on alternative music but hard rock like screaming down the mic i don't like really i like music to have a beat and to flow
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    Well i would like to introduce my self i'm lauren and my mate told me about the CSI files website so i thought i might as well sign up and see what happerns
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    Grey's Anatomy

    i agree with some of thoes matches but not others