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    CSI Las Vegas Sites

    Damn, I should have looked at this thread much earlier! I'm so relieved to see you have just moved ;)
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    what's your favourite season?

    Every season had its ups and downs so far, there have been a couple of outstanding episodes in each season. Right now I'd go for Season 7, hoping they'll keep up the quality.
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    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe I just watched and even enjoyed "High School Musical", I'm way too old for this :D
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    CSI: New York Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    I love the first Danny icon, Eriss :)
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    Help me with my homework!

    Nick, without a doubt :D
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

    Phew, it's getting hot in here :D Nice pics so far, girls. I think I posted too many of my favorites, you all know me too well ;)
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    George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

    I'm still convinced the hair is back because the majority of us demanded it :D Of course the low temperatures in California would be a good excuse ;)
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

    Babs I hope Joey will be better soon, the cutie. And yay, I won :D *grabs Nick for the Ward Happy Dance* Let's see...I gave you a lot of challenges, so this one will be easy. Puppy dog eyes, please! :) Limit is 12, have fun.
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    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #7 - Voting Open! Great banners, everyone :) Beginners 05 07 02 Advanced 11 02 15
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    QUIZZES-how much do you know

    NY quiz - just 5/10 *hides face in shame*
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

    Good afternoon, Ward :) I just watched another episode of Savannah and I have to say George really ages well. I like his looks now even better than the look from ten years ago :) He might look like a Monchichi right now, but I don't care :p
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    George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

    Mon-chi-chi.... :lol: I still have one sitting on a shelf in my bedroom. Its name is "Schnuffi" but I think I'm going to call it George from this day on :D Aww, Sparkygirl sorry to hear about your bad day *hugs* Isn't it nice that the board can always give you smile?
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

    *grabs a bag of marshmellows* :D Okay, I neglected my housekeeping chores today, so more fun on Saturday. Yay! :rolleyes:
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

    I know, Stoky Enjoy! :) Let's just say: My vacuum cleaner still stares accusingly at me because I had other things (Nick!) in mind :lol: But I did wash the dishes, and the laundry is done as well. *sits down next to McStokes and sings along*
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

    McStokes of course we don't let you down :D Ward group hug! :lol: We haven't hugged here in a while, we always hug in the texan charm thread *grabs blackflag for a hug* :D Edit: CSIFan1 your links work just fine now :) And Stoky you should listen to me more often *lol* you knew how fond...
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

    Thanks, girls! I knew Babs would cap the episode again now that she's back from Egypt, but you needed something sweet while waiting for her pics ;) Did you clean out your photobucket, CSIFan1?
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

    Well done, CSIFan1 you figured out how to post pics! Yay! Don't worry about them being posted before, we often use the same pictures because we like to stare at Nick/George ;) Stoky I liked that one, too ;)
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    You know you're getting old when...

    You know you're getting old when you meet someone who says "Dallas? That was before my time" I couldn't believe it :lol: When you listen to the radio and they announce your favorite song from your youth as "golden oldie" Man, that were the 80s! :lol:
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    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #7 - Now Up! I'm looking forward, too :) I submitted three, but I could have sent a lot more :D
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

    That's good to know, CSIFan1 ;) Some more caps, because I like it when elsie squees :D the hair looks so fluffy even Grissom admires it I feel lonely but I have an idea I'm gonna join the pillow fight! :D Wait girls! I can't handle all of you at once!