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  1. L

    American Idol

    Some say that when they called to vote for Chris they found out they were actually voting for Kath. Imagine that.
  2. L

    American Idol

    Agreed. Katherine has lots of talents, and she can find a company without AI. BTW, check out my avatar<<<
  3. L

    American Idol

    I read an article on MSN and I have to say that it's a good thing he got kicked-now he won't be bound to any Idol contracts! He'll have an album out, eventually. He was SO DARN HOT in his second performance-and the white shirt-wow. Elliott's second performance was stupendous too. I liked it a...
  4. L

    CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

    NOOO!!! I WANNA SEE MANHATTAN MANHUNT!!!! I DON'T WANNA WAIT FOR MARISOL TO COME!!!! NOOOO!!!! EDIT:I JUST WENT TO THE AXN SITE, AND IT SAYS MANHANTTAN MANHUNT WILL BEGIN ON JUNE 6 AT 9PM. YAY!!! Check out the site-it has a page specially for the cross over. I'm so excited!
  5. L

    CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

    OK sorry for the double posting but the edit button went away. There's a real Fulton Fish Market! And this is what a naked Xiphias Gladius looks like: I have to agree, the chemistry between Danny and Hawkes is very cute. I can't wait for Manhattan...
  6. L

    American Idol

    I agree. But it seems harder and harder to think of someone who will get the boot each week! Paris during her auditions was marvellous. She blew me away-I know she blew everyone away!
  7. L

    American Idol

    Nah, it's just that when you come to such a number that HAS GOT to kick out someone, you just have to kick out someone that has even the SLIGHTEST flaw. To me, I knew Paris had to go out. She didn't butcher the song, but there just wasn't any spark in her voice when she sang it. She'll be a...
  8. L

    CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

    Thanks for the link, he looks too hot for the chain...and yeah it IS silver! I could have sworn it was gold... I liked the scene where Lindsey "smeared" Mac! It makes one wonder, is there any chemistry between the 2 of them or is he too old for her? Hmmm.... DUH! I'm kinda jelous though...I...
  9. L

    Adrien Brody

    I've seen a little of him in Love the Hard Way and he was so hot I had to change the channels. Gah. You guys are so lucky you get to gush over AB with someone else, no one here has heard of him and if they do they're over 30.
  10. L

    CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

    I thought the word "dancing" meant ballroom dancing...haha. Haven't been able to see the whole episode yet, though. By the way, did you all see Danny's gold chain at the beginning? He looked like a loan shark/mafia boss! He was so hot; at least 2 of his buttons were unbuttoned! GOLD CHAIN...
  11. L

    Adrien Brody

    No kidding-I heard of that too, but didn't get to see it. I stick very closely to the reviews and they say not to watch it (aka stinker) but when it comes to the tube I'll watch it.
  12. L

    Adrien Brody

    Was I gone THAT long? I'd recommend Dummy-he is so friggin' cute in that one. Every scene I see him I feel like squishing a pillow. EEEEeeeek! Anyway I hear him and Lindsay Lohan are going to star in a romantic comedy. I think this news was already here, but my reaction to this: WTF?!!! She's...
  13. L

    CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

    Well of course it was unrealistic. It's TV! But I do think that it could be realistic. People don't do kung fu for nothing. Oh, and I also found out that there's a Suzuki Katana-a motorcycle. Hehe.
  14. L

    American Idol

    It was? I didn't know it was...he must have been really pissed to be cut off like that. I can't blame him, my dad and I thought it was very rude too. Does anyone know when is the wildcard week?
  15. L

    CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

    Well I thought that ep was okay, it was sad that little James Walker had to die that way...*sniff* And after seeing the credits again, I have to say, "Is Flack doing a commercial for a perfume?!" However, I did search for a few stuff mentioned in the episodes, so if the curiousity will kill...
  16. L

    They mentioned CSI on.....

    They mentioned CSI on Majalah Tiga today. (That's a information show, translates to three magazine-weird) They showed how the Malaysian CSIs work, really cool with the labs and the kits-but no mourges. Sad.
  17. L

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    I love this topic too! TO: mimy I just want to tell you that I love you as a best friend, but sometimes you are just so plain self-absorbed that you don't think for one second of the priorities one should have in life. I have fun times, you had them too. But sometimes it's not all about you...
  18. L

    Adrien Brody

    I like your avatar, Hummer! In the What? he looks like one of my classmates...freaky. Oh, and the workable hair-nyummy pix!
  19. L

    American Idol

    Thank goshness Pickler got the boot! Not to sound harsh or anything, but you can't get away with butchering such a classical love song! Seriously! There wasn't a slightest trace of love in her face! Where was it? I sound angry, I am-that was my parent's wedding song. It shouldn't have been...
  20. L

    CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

    Oh dude, you crack me up with the Desperate Warriors and the Corporate Housewives! I have an image of Lynette in a warrior pose and Gabrielle defending herself from Carlos with a sword! hahahahaaaa! Oh, and can't wait for Trapped too! *drools already* Shnizzle, why don't you drop by your...