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  1. L

    CSI NY Season 3 on AXN ( Asia)

    I saw the bump! It was not so obvious. Well, the case was interesting. Lesson learnt: Never hang out too much with one person or you might grow up looking like her. It makes sense, though. Like how the owners and their dogs look alike.
  2. L

    "Law of Gravity" Discussion **Spoilers**

    I am! He really grew on me, eventhough he may seem distant at times. Keppler's a real jewel and it's too bad we can't see much of him anymore. He is my favourite character in season 7. And is it just me, or does he look like Mac Taylor? The last few scenes were emotional, too. It was very...
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    Law of Gravity

    I've been away from the internet world for quite a long time and have just finished watching Law of Gravity. What do you guys think about this episode? Was the death necessary? Does Catherine have feelings for Keppler? Were Amy and Keppler just friends?
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    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge: CSIs With Funny Faces - Now Up! beginner- 20 26 13 advanced- 6 3 7
  5. L

    American Idol

    I agree-Blake's performance was the best so far. It melted my heart! I think he looks so much cuter with black hair. Jordin was just lucky this time. Her performance wasn't excellent but it was entertaining enough to keep her for another week. Melinda was the cutest! She was still blur after...
  6. L

    CSI NY Season 3 on AXN ( Asia)

    That was like the best episode so far. Finally, a good chase scene! That was hot. I forgot to catch the repeat though. *kicks self* The t-shirts were okay, the scenes were too short for a blur viewer for me to catch each meaning. A great cliffhanger at the end. "Britney and Kevin came here to do...
  7. L

    CSI NY Season 3 on AXN ( Asia)

    Kinda slashy? Try VERY slashy. It was so slashy, it just slashed the slash. :lol: Cheesy. Wow. Well, the case was interesting, but not THAT interesting. It was kind of....bland. Somehow, all the weird and "unique" cases served every week is starting to get to me. Where are the SIMPLE cases...
  8. L

    CSI NY Season 3 on AXN ( Asia)

    I agree with the ending. It was horrible. It was like waving a carrot in front of a horse! (In this case, a v. clear ship in front of the fangirls) I tell you, the writers are DEFINATELY taking a leaf out of Grey's Anatomy. It's barely 4 episodes into the new season and already Danny has popped...
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    CSI NY Season 3 on AXN ( Asia)

    Danny and his dog DO look alike, don't they? I was scared by the resemblence, and now I want a dog like that too!
  10. L

    Looking, looking, looking for that song

    Aww....thanks anyway! Appreciate it!
  11. L

    CSI NY Season 3 on AXN ( Asia)

    Angell is Aiden's doppleganger. She is, she is, she is! Yes, the Mac/Peyton thing was in-your-face. I think the producers saw the success in Grey's Anatomy's romances and is taking a leaf out of it. Romances in CSI trilogies weren't all that important before. Happy belated birthday Doreen!
  12. L

    Looking, looking, looking for that song

    Thanks! So, do you know the female singer from that version of Word Up in that episode?
  13. L

    Looking, looking, looking for that song

    I'm looking for that song that was once a hit. It was played in the seventh season, and Hodges was doing something in the lab. It starts of with bass then a woman voice sings. The lyrics were something like "Yo pretty ladies around the world" in the hit song a few years back, but I'm looking for...
  14. L

    CSI NY Season 3 on AXN ( Asia)

    Same! My school's exam is on THE WHOLE WEEK. And I have add maths tuition class from 7.45 to 10.00 pm. Gasp! Shock! Horror! Will she be able to get home in time to catch the latest season of CSI:NY? Tune in to find out! lol Doreen has the best birthday presents each year. Hehe. BTW, has...
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    American Idol

    bump Is anyone going to comment on the kicking out of the two relatively unmemorable contestants? I think Chris Sligh is good. His hair's nice too. XD
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  17. L

    Malaysian viewers, take note.

    Sorry I can't edit that post. I just have to add that CSI:NY is also on AXN at 10 every Monday nights. So that's 8.30, 10 and 10.45. Are we lucky or what?
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    Can anyone tell me the song that was played when the dogs were checked by Mac and Aiden? The one where the owners and the dogs had to run and walk in a circle around them. Thanks.
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    Icon Challenge-CSI's using collection or detection tools.

    Re: Icon Challenge-CSI's using collection or detection tools 12 17 11 Had a hard time to choose the best...
  20. L

    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Voting Up! 22 11 20