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  1. L

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    I want more suit and tux pron. :D 'nuff said. Hope uni's going ok for you Eggy! :D
  2. L

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    BF you legend!! :D That's an awesome pic of him too. :D
  3. L

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Bit of Pink Floyd? legend! :D Now that would be good. And I totally agree that having another solo ep would be awesome. =]
  4. L

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Nice pics guys, got my Billy fix for today. :D
  5. L

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Happy birthday aaaamz!! :D My favourite s7 ep was loco motives :lol:
  6. L

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Jeans and coveralls *drools* And I love him in Grissom Vs the Volcano. Coveralls on our Billy... one of the greatest inventions ever. :D
  7. L

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    That was an awesome impression, noooice. ;) Ye, I want another Grissom centered ep... in the jeans.... mmmm. *thud*
  8. L

    Family Guy

    One of my fav scenes is the British porn... "Almost... almost.... almost.... there we are!" :lol: haha
  9. L

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3

    1. Universal Speech - The Go! Team 2. Fake ID - The Go! Team 3. The Pretender - Foo Fighters 4. Erase Replace - Foo Fighters 5. Clothes Off! - Gym Class Heros 6. mOBSCENE - Marilyn Manson 7. Junior Kickstart - The Go! Team 8. Bottle Rocket - The Go! Team 9. MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday 10...
  10. L

    Difference between Vegans and Vegetarians??

    I'm vegetarian at the moment, but I dont eat fish. I don't eat anything with a face, but I dont have a problem with vegetarians who do. =] But yes it depends on your opinion and your reasons for beign vegetarian I guess. =] Vegans dont eat ANY meat, fish etc... or any products from animals, for...
  11. L

    Elimination Game *New Game!*

    Hodges 11 Archie 21 (+) Henry 6 Wendy 11 Mandy 15 Doc Robbins 20 David 11 Valera 15 Hammerback 1 (-) Adam 19
  12. L

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    I'm hoping it was just a rumour, gotta see more Billy, his sabatical nearly killed me last time. :p I'd love to go see him in a play... might start saving up now. :p
  13. L

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    I thought we were just talking about the weirdness of the word he used, i'm confused, and no offence but one GSR-er she asked was moi, and i'm on this site. I'm not saying the scene wasnt a revelation in the relationship, cause it is, it's an awesome scene, and the word is so used right, it's a...
  14. L

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Yeah it's a great line, very Grissom, just as you said it's not something everyone uses. It's cute, just sounds strange in the context too, but in a good way. :D
  15. L

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    Fwahaha, Quoth! Good observation. :p Ye, she has an awesome smile, thanks for posting the pics Mia. :D
  16. L

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    :lol: wahey!!! Feel free to call me lemsip if you like, tis shorter. :D If you type his name in google you'll get tons of sites like 'The William petersen appreciation site (WPAP) where there are tooooons of pictures for your viewing pleasure. :D wootwoot.
  17. L

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    It's just strange cause intimatly just seems to be an odd choice of words, no need to roll your eyes, we know they live together, but i'd probably just say something a bit more.. not just intimatly, I associate that word with other things yknow. Oui oui, yes he does. :D I agree.
  18. L

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Ha, no worries. This may convince more people to go over to the pic thread, way to go hhunter. :D All this talk of suit pr0n makes me want to go and watch formalities again. :D
  19. L

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    You talking about the pics posted over in the pic thread hhunter? Suit pr0n is the best. :D
  20. L

    Difference between Vegans and Vegetarians??

    I want to become vegan, but I love cheese. I think i'm gonna try and become Vegan because I do want to. I was speaking to one of my friend's who's just become vegetarian and her parents are giving her grief for it, it really makes me realise how cool my parents are for accepting it and stuff...