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  1. Yumi696

    CSI: NY Icon Chal.Thr. 2 - Ch.#35: Danny ~ Results!

    Re: CSI: NY Icon Chal.Thr. 2 - Ch.#35: Danny ~ Voting! Intermediate: 03 15 18 Advanced: 06 05 10 140x140: 06 01 02
  2. Yumi696

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #4 - Ch. #43 - It's a Dangerous Job! - Results!

    Re: Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #4 - Ch. #38 - Too Sexy For My... ~ Voting! Beginner: 11 01 06 Intermediate: 03 09 10 Advanced: 02 07 10
  3. Yumi696

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Cool! ^^ So... um, anyone feel like trying out my request, now that I know it's allowed? :)
  4. Yumi696

    Grade 'Prey'

    Good episode. My favorite part? The one that made my Don/Adam muses fly with happiness. :D I'm surprised that the police didn't do anything about that stalker. Can they really do nothing against stalkers except restraining orders? That's shocking. :O I felt really bad for Odessa (or...
  5. Yumi696

    Sheldon Needs Some Lovin'!

    ^ That made me melt. :3 I don't see him being with someone particularly wild... just more outgoing. At home though, I imagine him and his significant other to have a more mild, cuddly, loving, tender relationship.
  6. Yumi696

    what should be changed

    Yes, Faylinn, exactly! I'd love to see more Adam-Danny, Adam-Don, etc. scenes. He shouldn't have scenes only with Mac, Stella, and Hawkes! He deserves it. They should show a little bit of the CSIs' outside lives too. I'd like to know why Don knows what Adam's apartment looks like... ;)
  7. Yumi696

    Why Lindsay Must Go, Part 4

    I remember reading somewhere-not sure where- that the DL pairing won't exactly be having a very happy journey and/or ending. I hope that's true. It's obvious that they aren't really meant for each other. Maybe, maybe, Lindsay's past ties into her weird actions (like spurning Danny so many...
  8. Yumi696

    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:NY

    Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY I do like Kendall, but... I just never saw them really click as a couple. More as a brother and sister, or best friends, but not as lovers. I'm really starting to like Don/Adam too! It stemmed from Don admitting that he'd been in Adam's apartment in the...
  9. Yumi696

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Hi... I have an odd request... I want a cellphone wallpaper, please. Of Adam (duh), preferably with either Danny or Don. (If cell wallpapers aren't allowed, then please tell me. :D ) Thanks! :)
  10. Yumi696

    1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #35 - Results

    Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #28 - Voting! A-1 B-2 C-1 D-1 E-1 F-1 G-2 H-1 I-2 J-2 K-1 L-2 M-1 N-1 O-2 P-2
  11. Yumi696

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    Exactly! Their pasts, I think, would be more interesting to see on-screen than a romantic relationship. Or deep friendships. (They need to show more deep friendships of Adam and Sheldon... :( ). Or family relationships (like Sam and Flack).
  12. Yumi696

    what should be changed

    ^ Yes. It was really odd and weird, and that's why I left the CBS forums. There were a lot of people like that on there, and... yeah...
  13. Yumi696

    Sheldon Needs Some Lovin'!

    An artsy woman is an interesting idea. Both from different ends of the spectrum, but they can still be together. It shows that pairings don't just occur within the work force. :P
  14. Yumi696

    Why Lindsay Must Go, Part 4

    ^ OMG, that made me choke on my drink... I was laughing so hard... XDD I'm watching Snow Day... I was so disappointed in Lindsay in this episode. It had a cute factor, with the whole 'enjoy your snow day' scene, but then, when Lindsay comes into the rescue scene and she apologizes to Danny...
  15. Yumi696

    what should be changed

    Someone on the CSI: NY forums on CBS told me, when I stated my dislike of DL, that since it's a crime drama show, then of course, cheesy romances are okay. A drama's like a soap opera after all. [/sarcasm]
  16. Yumi696

    Too much ship on the tv?

    LOL ;) I like that pairing... they'd be good for each other. I can imagine Sheldon being comforting, maybe if Adam's past comes into play in a future episode (*prays*)... that would be so adorable and... *squeal*
  17. Yumi696

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Thank you, Adorable_Crazy! :D :D And great wallpapers, you guys! :)
  18. Yumi696

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    ^ Exactly. While I do see the chemistry between them, it would also make no sense to pair up Mac and Stella. It's not a soap. It seriously isn't. Nor is it a fanfiction... (if it was, Don/Danny would totally happen... :D) Watch TPTB do it all wrong... and turn them into a needy, DL-like...
  19. Yumi696

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    OMG my dad just got me a brand-new laptop. I'm hoping to christen it with a new Adam wallpaper. Preferably with him having that uber-dorky smile on his face. No text necessary, although it would be nice. :D
  20. Yumi696

    Animation Challenge - #7 - Guns and Bullets ~ Results!

    Re: Animation Challenge - #5 - CSI's At Work ~ Results! Congrats! :D