Search results

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    E.R. - Emergency Room!

    Re: E.R.- emergency room!! EWwwwwww No surely not....How can that be!!! Is there going to be spoilers on this thread as I'm not sure if I want to know.
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    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    There's kinda Equal advertising for the 3 CSI's over here. Although their website is not exactly informative. Anyone know when season three is hitting the UK?
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    The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

    Yep I totally agree that it would make sense to bring the sister in at some point. Have they had a relative of one of the characters be a victim yet?
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    What Are You Reading? - #2

    Got one more chapter of The Subtle Knife. Then going onto Jane Eyre and a Rebus book too.
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    CSI: Hangman #5

    T please
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    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper? Rupert Penry Jones. Going through a real Spooks phase at the moment, think it called MI5 on BBC America. Any way I adore the man.
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    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons ;) As I said on the other thread thanks for doing this. *runs of to play with icons*
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    Photo Competition: 'Braving The Elements' - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: 'Braving The Elements' Weather's been fairly non interesting here too. Don't think I have many old images that would be suitable. lost lots of photos due to PC hick up...*tear* That teach me not to make prints!
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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Icon Challenge Changes - Please Read

    Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Icon Challenge Suggestion - Opinions Pleas Ohhh i like both ideas now! hahaha. Decisions decisions. I do like the idea of getting help on icons. I've had so much help and so many ideas just from this board and I've only been here a nanosecond. Suggestions and tips would...
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    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    Season three hasn't started over in the UK yet but I couldn't help but watch...ah so excited looks so good!
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    Icon Tutorials - - To help with your icons.

    Thank you so so so much for doing this. Especially the Danny one. I get to learn and have eye candy all at once ;)
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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Icon Challenge Changes - Please Read

    Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Icon Challenge Suggestion - Opinions Pleas We could always give it a try. *jumps in deep end* I think everybody would be keen to give it a shot.
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    British Fans... Who would you cast in CSI: London?

    Oh God yes...Jimmy Carr to a very very painful slow way. Please! Bill as a lab tech would be amazing. Can we also have Dylan Moran pop up as grumpy lab tech like Bernard from Black books. I'm a HUGE league of Gentlemen fan so would love Mark Gatiss to pop up as some medical expert!
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    Icon Challenge #10: 24 - Jack Bauer - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #10: 24 - Jack Bauer 17 1 6 Well done guys
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    British Fans... Who would you cast in CSI: London?

    Could the farmer please be could 'Old MacDonald' for punning purposes. ;)
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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Icon Challenge Changes - Please Read

    Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Icon Challenge Suggestion - Opinions Pleas It is going to be a bit difficult to decide what section you should be in.
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    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons Thanks so much would be a huge help and more than willing to wait until you have time. I'll try what you've suggested too. It just seems when I sharpen an image it makes it look awful :confused: Carry on the good work though! ;)
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    Life on Mars

    Thanks fort that Pilgrim, Will pop in and have a look. As long as I'm allowed to go all silly girlie over John Simm now and then! ;) Cant wait for the second series!
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    ANNOUNCEMENT: Icon Challenge Changes - Please Read

    Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Icon Challenge Suggestion - Opinions Pleas I like the idea. Especially the two sections as theres loads of people here that can make amazing icons. I'm definately 'beginner' compared to them. Sound like fun. I'm trying to learn more about PSP.
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    Photo Competition - 'Historic Architecture' - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition - 'Historic Architecture' Congrats people..... I voted for a couple of winners! All of the photos though were fantastic. Looking forward to the next one.