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    CSI: New York Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

    Fantastic work! they all beautiful. I'm only just learning to make icons. Here's one of my first attempts.
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    photo manipulation fun

    I also love the Grissom Star Trek one....he would make a great Captain! Think of all the planet's he could process...all those new insects! hahaha
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    E.R. - Emergency Room!

    Re: E.R.- emergency room!! Thanks for that. But please tell me the child thing is not true! Ew not Morris no.
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    Doctor Who!

    AAhhhh A Dr Who thread *hugs* Fantastic....So who is all excited about torchwood then. Oh the lovely Capt Jack back on our screens. Have put off getting the second series until the box set comes out. I missed Ecclescake as the Doctor at first but Tennant is amazing after the Christmas episode I...
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    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons Love this they are great. Gotta love House adore Hugh and his stuble. The random ones are really pretty. I like the sneakers one.
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    Post something you can't say out loud.

    To Myself - stick up for yourself more. You wouldn't let a friend be treated like this, To a so-called friend. For someone in their 30's you need to grow the hell up. I know children that wouldn't act like that. You cant always get what you want and the world does not revolve around you...
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    Icon Challenge #11: Moulin Rouge - Satine - WINNERS UP!!

    Re: Icon Challenge #11: Moulin Rouge - Satine Ah Moulin Rouge...what a brilliant theme to start with. Adore that film...(and Ewan McGregor *Swoon*)
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    photo manipulation fun

    Is it wrong that they all suit their YMCA outfits! hahahaha!
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    CSI: New York Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

    Great work guys again! wurlocke - fantastic icons.....totally drooling over the danny ones! macayla - love your work as usual, your colouring is really pretty.
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    The Wallpaper Thread #4

    Wow! t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr You've worked your little socks off! Great work. Like how you pick out a colour for the images and highlight it with your background. I love the C&H ones. They go so well together.
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    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    Oh my owrse one was a CSI:Miami moment. When I went to see 'Right at your door' in the cinema I said a little too loudly "SPEADLE'S ALLLIVVVVEEEEE". Cue weird looks from the other cinema goers. ;) OR ask someone to do something and then say "NOW!", like Danny in Hush...
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    British Fans... Who would you cast in CSI: London?

    Oh query for the Brits. Amyone know when CSI:NY new series will be starting in the UK. Channel 5's website says zippy about it.
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    Hottest Men from all Three CSI's?

    Ok here's a question. If you HAD to, who would you Marry. Spend a night with. Dump. You can only pick one. Decisions decisions :)
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    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

    *tied to desk chair* Yep managed to get one leg free so wheeled myself through to this thread. ;)
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    The Wallpaper Thread #4

    Gotta say great work guys. Especially love the Natalie_Emily Wall with the cute.
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    you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

    Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2 I've had that from friends!!! hahaha When 'stains' on your clothing are no longer 'stains' but 'transfer'. 'Damn that grass transfer from sitting in the park' :lol:
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    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    When ever you seen an actress or actor in another show and point at the screen and say 'They've been in CSI:NY'
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    Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

    Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?" Love the beach photo. Seriously ladies...these photos are so good. *swoons over laptop*
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    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

    Thanks for the welcome...and the cookies...was a bit peckish. *nibbles*
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    what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite character

    Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact I'm really glad that they finally got Sara and Griss together...about time! I do love 'Trapped' in NY a lot. I like when they have to think on their feet, saving evidence in unusual ways etc.