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    I haven't seen Sunday's episode *reads thread through fingers* but I just wanted to ask I know a few people who have said this now. Last weeks with the 'mind reading'. Did anyone think it was a bit too Buffy? I know Russel T said he was watching alot of Buffy and Angel when he came up with the...
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    TalkCSI LIMS . Round 2 . Challenge #8. FINAL RESULTS ARE IN

    Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2 12....oversharpened 10....too bright 5.....Too mcuh white not enough Archie
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    Icon Challenge #14: Brokeback Mountain - WINNERS UP!!

    Re: Icon Challenge #14: Brokeback Mountain Nice choice is images!! the yummy Jake! Might get distracted when trying to make them though!;)
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    TalkCSI LIMS . Round 2 . Challenge #8. FINAL RESULTS ARE IN

    Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2 This is a nightmare as they are all really great. Tough competition that's for sure. 8. Too dark, it's a great image though just a little bit more colour in his face and it'd rock. 17. The crop seems stretched. 6. I think it's over sharpened.
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    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge Oh I know, like I said it was just a thought. Even if it was as vague as saying next challenge on image of 'blah'. You know? Just thinking of other things to be the prize.
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    TalkCSI LIMS . Round 2 . Challenge #8. FINAL RESULTS ARE IN

    Re: TalkCSI LIMS ~ Round 2 Well Done Reeble your Icon was lovely. Oh and such images of hottness here! Woo hoo. 'Fraid I will have to use my pass on this week as I'm away for most of it with work and wont have time. Good Luck everyone! Axxx
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    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons Have made a couple of Eddie Izzard moving avatars Heres one
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    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge Could the winner also get to set the next challenge? :) Just a thought.
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    The Buffy Thread

    I'm working my way through season 5 again.... Was watching 'You're welcome' Forgot how fantastic Cordy was! I ished she had been in the last season more. Any Firefly lovers here?
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    Strictly Come Dancing series 4

    I did totally agree with the judges about her this week. too much standing and posing IMO. When you look at the technical stuff other people are doing she's far behind. Plus Craig never seems to give anyone higher that what he gives Emma
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    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge I know it's challenge city round here! ;) It's fab to have so much choice but like you it's trying to find the time. Plus I'm a bit of a beginner so it takes me a while to get anything slightly ok! teehee. Like the idea of a banner challenge though. Having that...
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    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge Will be good, Like I said will need to sit this one out but count me in next time. Learning so much from all the tutorials on here. Very creative people on this board.
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    Strictly Come Dancing series 4

    Yep...thought 9 was just silly...although I think Emma can do no wrong in the judges eyes. Evens when they give her bad comments it's always said in a lovely way compared to the way they rip into others. Dont think the judges have been too fair this year.
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    The Buffy Thread

    Evil...dare I ask why?
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    The Buffy Thread

    What did sdyou guys think of the musical episode? I adored it but I know people that didn't take to it at all! I just loved Giles major crush on him! ;) Faith I did adore also..did anyone find out where the whole 5 by 5 thing actually was? I dont think I could pick a favourite...
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    Icon Challenge #13: Up, up and away! - WINNERS UP!!

    Re: Icon Challenge #13: Up, up and away! beginner 23 10 9 advanced 10 8 9
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    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge I'm up for it, although I dont think I'll be able to join in this one as have very little time this week. But the next one is a must. Great idea sweetie!
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    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Never a more true word typed! He is proper eye candy candy one might say! haha Keep up the good work, my eyes are very grateful.
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    The Buffy Thread

    I know this thread has been away for a while but I'm in a total Buffy/Angel mode at the moment. Been rewatching loads recently. Are there still B/A fans on this board?
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    Strictly Come Dancing series 4

    I know...the guys was great. He reminds me of Natasha in the first series. You know hating it to begin with and then loving it. Plus I have MAJOR Anton love so was so happy when he was on the results show. Think the right person got voted off as he went out on a good dance. The thought of...