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  1. K

    Shrine of Archie-goodness

    Q: How many screencaps can you get from three seconds of someone sitting in an audience, laughing and applauding? A: In this case... eight . Yeah, I know, not a whole lot of variety in the pics, but like I said...screentime wise, he got what he got...::sigh:: MAN I hope next year he gets a...
  2. K

    Tell Me Who, Who

    Glad to see Archie has gotten so much love in this thread - here's to more screen time for him in the future!! (BTW for those asking, he's Chinese-American; he was raised bilingual English/Mandarin.) Love to see more Lab Rattage - Bobby, Mandy, Ronnie, Wendy...yeah, and Hodges - he's kinda...
  3. K

    Shrine of Archie-goodness

    Well of course, I's all...completely...altruistic here, right? ;) :lol: I am happy to say the cable company got their data/schedule sorted out, and I will be watching and, later, screencapping like crazy. Caps MAY not be up until Wednesday; we'll have to see how it goes, but by...
  4. K

    Shrine of Archie-goodness

    Visuals, I got visuals... From the rather "truncated" version of the Asian Excellence Awards on E! Entertainment, all I was able to get as far as usable screencaps was a couple from a quickie glance on the red carpet... #1 #2 Now I intend to get the full-length version off AZN-TV when it...
  5. K

    CSI: The Experience

    Re: CSI Experience: MSI Opening Day A little video from the festivities last night - here, click on "The CSI Experience" Opens. They touch base with most of the major cast and have a nice little talk with RDH at the end.
  6. K

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

    Hey hey, fellow Szmandaphiles, head on over here ASAP while the Chicago CBS affiliate's website still has that awesome little video interview with Eric's from the cast event at the opening of the "CSI" exhibit there...
  7. K

    Hall Heads to Museum Opening

    You can probably add Archie Kao to the list of attendees...I know he planned to be in Chicago this week...
  8. K

    Beyond Imagination: Back Online

    You rule. :cool: Thanks, Erica, for all your magnificent hard work!!
  9. K

    CSI Las Vegas cinematography / photography / visuals

    The cinematography is one of the things I love best about this show. It's done with such a masterful eye for the effect a visual has, whether it's one of those great overhead Strip shots or a close-up toyed with in an artistically appropriate and perfect way. Kudos to the behind-the-camera heroes!
  10. K

    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    My feelings on the season finale are very mixed. On the up side, they did an incredible job of maintaining the creepy vibe through the episode, the actress who played Natalie was terrific...just enough not to be overacting and just enough to be scary, and the neck-stabbing was a great fake-out...
  11. K

    <3's Bobby Dawson

    JFTR...I <3 our beloved Ballistic Bobby! :cool:
  12. K

    Season 8 Wishlist

    Re: Season 8 Wishlist I second that emotion... :devil: - More lab rattage. MUCH more. - Lots o' Greg. Maybe a juicy storyline/arc... - Jettison Tina. That plot device was one of the biggest albatrosses around this series' neck. Just have done with it. - How about a Doc Robbins-centric...
  13. K

    Shrine of Archie-goodness

    Yeah, I was wondering if maybe Liz had some Asian ancestry. One way or another, she's a gorgeous lady. :cool: Anyone who checked out the pic from the Christina Fulton event, I added three more last night (with Ms. Fulton in the pics). Over the next several weeks I hope to be getting more...
  14. K


    Well I just turned 51 and have had my license since I was 18. (My brother taught me the basics of driving when I was a lot younger, but... ;) ) Glad to say my record's pretty pristine...last accident I was in was in 1997 - I'd just had my brakes fixed less than a month before, and they failed...
  15. K

    Shrine of Archie-goodness

    NEW PHOTOS... Archie (along with a number of other celebrities) appeared at Christina Fulton's benefit for single moms at the Sugar boutique on La Brea in L.A. on Wednesday the 9th. Got a few photos over here... of Archie with Jill-Michele Melean and Keith Collins. Enjoy!!
  16. K

    Shrine of Archie-goodness

    Ohhhhhh, yeahhhhhh... ;) I saw Jeremy Sumpter on, if I remember, an ep of CSI: Miami a few weeks ago...
  17. K


    Good call... :cool: And I thought Future!Hiro was bada$$. Lovin' it. My hubby thinks that Ando will hold some kind of key to future developments...
  18. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    100 G's an ep? That would make it, per episode, about commeasurate to a not-elite-but-superstar NBA player salary. (I think I worked it out to 8.2 million/season, which isn't Dirk Nowitzki territory, maybe Jason Terry... :lol: ) I had a friend who was a player on a pro baseball team. he...
  19. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    I don't trust the N.Y. Post OR the Star. I consider them both "tabloids"... :lol:
  20. K

    What's Your Occupation?

    Sometimes I envy people who work with animals, I love 'em... I'll be 51 in a couple days. I'm a self-employed "multipurpose designer". In short I do everything from small interior design/decorating projects to website design to designing album/CD covers to doing "hard copy" artwork. I can't...