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  1. K

    Shrine of Archie-goodness

    Same here. Soon as I hear something definitive I'll keep everyone informed on that movie he's supposed to do in the Philippines...but then like I said, I may get the info the meantime, "The Hills have Eyes 2" out here on the 23rd and in Asia on April 19, so we can all go and...
  2. K

    Child Obesity - Should Parents Be Blamed?

    It makes absolute sense, hhunter. I know, I came from a "clean your plate" upbringing (very pervasive in the 50's/60's). I eventually got to a point with my own son where my attitude was "eat what you can...but no 'goodies' unless you finish the healthy stuff." My son has the large build...
  3. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    How long have I been lobbying for a lab rat-centric episode? Circling the calendar. I'm a happy, happy girl. :D
  4. K


    Ooh, Germany gets Lithuania first round? 'Course Lithuania can be streaky, good a team as they are. I'm hoping "Mannschaft Deutschland" goes on a tear like they did in '05...their ticket to Beijing depends on it!
  5. K

    NCAA Basketball

    In '05 I had to toss my bracket by the second or third round - it was nuts. Last year I didn't do a bracket but it would have been a loss anyway - I just spent my time cheering on George Mason U - what a story! Too bad their squad was so senior-heavy; they had a rough season this year. As...
  6. K

    Child Obesity - Should Parents Be Blamed?

    There's loads o' blame to go around. Parents bear much of the responsibility, part can't be helped because it's in the DNA. You look at the photographs/sepiatones of the women in my family back to my great-greats, and we are a zaftig bunch. Part can be affected by the parents, however, in...
  7. K

    "Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Of course, I just thought up yet another possible explanation, with my penchant for sarcasm...maybe Greggo was being sarcastic himself? I mean listen, he was getting "so much play" he was considering getting A HEARSE? Think about it. What goes in the back of a hearse? THE DEAD!! Just a...
  8. K

    CSI: The Movie?!

    I'm all for it, if they can get the right writer/director. I'd love to see Quentin Tarantino give it a shot!
  9. K

    "Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

    A lot for me to love about this one... - The photography. I used to do quite a bit of photography and I appreciated that aspect a lot. - "If that's your boyfriend..." (That song originally by Me'Shell Ndege-Ocello, BTW. I've always loved it...) :lol: :lol: :lol: Absofreakin'lutely...
  10. K

    Shrine of Archie-goodness

    Bumping this back into the current time dimension, as it got eaten by the Great Posting Date Wormhole yesterday...
  11. K

    Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

    Many happy returns to The Man Hisself, William Petersen! :cool:
  12. K

    Episode #516 'Broken Home' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    :lol: :lol: :lol: Well, now that Gris is back, re-replacing the red-shirted ensign - er - plot-device-to-cover-a real-world-absence - er - Keppler... Anyway I had to DVR this ep and I finally watched it... - Ah yes, the magic "few weeks". Not quite as lame as a "Dallas"-style...
  13. K

    "Monster in the Box" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    That, plus she was from Northern California, attended college there, and transferred to LV from San interim move to Nevada (especially in the foster care system) in the midst of an apparently all-NorCal upbringing and youth seems a little "off" as well...
  14. K

    "Monster in the Box" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I hear ya. If anyone lifted their hand to hurt one of my beloved "fur-babies", they'd lose said hand real fast. There was a CSI:Miami ep that dealt with sadistic treatment of a woman's pet dog, and that p!$$ed me off no end...was glad that perp got what was comin' to him...
  15. K

    "Law of Gravity" Discussion **Spoilers**

    LOL! He did seem a lot like a kid with a new toy...Maybe they oughta issue strap-on butt implants for those hard days in court/watching surveillance tapes/etc....kept reminding me of Archie's quip to Grissom (late S6) about "my butt fell asleep" watching all the tape... Speaking of Archie...
  16. K

    Episode #514 "No Man's Land" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Just had to say I got my "proof" that this episode worked...I Tivo'ed it so my husband could watch, and at the end, he says (with lower lip almost on the verge of quivering) "Oh, no...they're not gonna croak Delko, are they?" :lol: Thigh wounds can't be taken lightly, plenty of large blood...
  17. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

    Good. IMO the whole marriage schtick was one big albatross around the writers' necks. Never came to anything beyond a mild annoyance. On the other hand, MH and GD have beautiful chemistry. I wouldn't mind seeing it shown off more. :cool:
  18. K

    Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

    Re: Season 7 Pictures **Possible Spoilers** It's that silly Hollywood "everything's gotta be perfect" mindset. I find imperfections far more intriguing. Save "perfect" for continuity... :D
  19. K

    Episode #514 "No Man's Land" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I've said it before, I'll say it again. I <3 Alexx. She rocks. I love female characters that are feminine and strong at the same time, and baby, she's tough as nails. Compassionate as anything, but not someone you'd want to mess with... Jonathan Togo rocked his scenes with the kids...