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  1. LibertyBell

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    I'm going to bite back my comments on the strike because I'm pretty sure this is NOT the strike thread. Instead I'm going to go back to that comment about the writers of CSI and the writers of Two and a Half Men doing a crossover. I know it's not going to happen anymore, but I was just wondering...
  2. LibertyBell

    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors* Oh please. If we go by that logic, then just because it's 25 degrees outside and the sun is shining with a 0% POP we should drag our umbrellas around anyway. :rolleyes: They're still together. Although I am frustrated that we saw more PDA from them when...
  3. LibertyBell

    Which character...

    I picked Doc. He's not as serious as he appears to be sometimes. I mean, the dude's band is called The Morgues, he seems like the prankster type to me. ;)
  4. LibertyBell

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

    OMG, yes. I hate when that happens. Or when all the sizes they have are ridiculously small. That's actually my theory. Too much of the blame for teenagers becoming anorexic is put on the media...yes, they have a part in it, but so do the stores. I once went into a store and couldn't find a...
  5. LibertyBell

    Survivor? We Call It Camping ~ Canadian Thread #5

    Re: Canadian Thread #5 Re: The weather. Yep, we got the snow, and the ice. I hate ice. It's not so bad, it's worse in the mornings and I find myself walking along the side of the street instead of on the actual sidewalk (I'm in suburbia, so it's not dangerous or anything), most afternoons it's...
  6. LibertyBell

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

    I hear that, Hannah. Moms can be annoying. :rolleyes: To Lee: Lee-anne, my darling, you know I love you, but I said purse, not lunch bag. If you didn't know my exact taste you should have asked. Or I think I may have said I wanted something like yours. Did you just forget about that? I know...
  7. LibertyBell

    From the Mouth of High School

    So because it's the last week of school before Christmas there are some Christmas-themed activities going on each day. Today they were showing Christmas episodes of Seinfield in the caf at lunch. Normally they show Friends, but they didn't for some reason this year. We all like Friends, and...
  8. LibertyBell

    Which character...

    I know pretty much nothing about Frank, so he was sorta automatically out for me, but even still, as soon as I started reading the question I pictured Flack, so that's who I went with. :)
  9. LibertyBell

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    Wasn't this the San Fran thing that was cancelled because of the strike? It's too bad, because I would have found it interesting, and Cath needs a new storyline.
  10. LibertyBell

    SAG Awards

    Re: SAG Awards 2008. Sally Field! *happy dance* Was there ever any doubt? ;) Like a lot of you, not really impressed with most of those noms. With the exception of Sally, Hugh, and Christina Applegate (cute little show she's on)...Honestly, why does it seem like The Sopranos is the show that...
  11. LibertyBell

    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors* Wait, it's Huntington's she has, not Parkinson's...isn't it? Wyoming, I'm actually working on an HC fic (as well as a Chameron, because I'm insane like that), so it's not that I can't see the good points in the pairing (or could have at one point, when...
  12. LibertyBell

    Criminal Minds

    OMG, I'm so jealous. I need to get my hands on the DVDs, like, now. Anyhoo, I was disappointed to find out it was a rerun, but on the other hand, About Face is my favourite episode so far this season, so I could live with it. Do we have any word on when they're going to air the new ep??
  13. LibertyBell

    Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

    Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It As much as I wish that would be the case, I suspect it was totally by accident. TPTB seem to be allergic to Snickers as of late, so I really don't have the faith in them to give us moments on purpose. *le sigh* Oh, and I don't think...
  14. LibertyBell

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    Er...Destiny, I assume you mean Go To Hell is at 8:00 on the 27th? You've got it scheduled at the same time as Ending Happy at 9:00. ;)
  15. LibertyBell

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

    To myself: You suck. You really really suck. If you don't find a way to nip this procrastinating thing in the bud you're going to have serious problems down the road. And mom will be proved right. Those horrible things she said will be true. This, right here, is why you're doubting whether or...
  16. LibertyBell

    Directors/Writers/SAG Contracts & The Effects

    Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho Au contraire... Yes, it does mention the part about scabs, but not about it being illegal. It could be done, not everyone is in the union. And it's not in the studios best interest to do it now because right now they're not losing...
  17. LibertyBell

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 Well then, we can't let you go neurotic Mandy, let's find a way to pass the shall we do that? Oh, I know, let's sing Christmas Carols~House style! I know someone who used to be really obsessed with the show who actually made some up last year. Let me see if I can...
  18. LibertyBell

    Directors/Writers/SAG Contracts & The Effects

    Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho You know what would be really funny? If this totally backfired on the writers. I'd like to see the studios get fed up with them and just start to replace them with people who AREN'T members of the WGA. Another group could be created...
  19. LibertyBell

    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors* Chase/Amber? Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!!!! No thank you, I'll stick with my Chameron. About the whole Thirteen being sick thing...this storyline is starting to concern me. A lot of the fans love Olivia Wilde, and TPTB know that. I believe it's...
  20. LibertyBell

    Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

    Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It Oh yeah, in Burked, I remember that. *sigh* To be one of those dogs...okay did that go a little too far? :o ;) Em, at this point we'll take anything in terms of a 'moment', so nice find. I have to admit I wasn't really paying...