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    Whats your favourite CSI Esipode?

    Gumdrops by far and second would be dead doll
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    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    I've got a wallpaper of the new dark knight poster the "why so serious" one I love it
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    Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

    wow i haven't been here for awhile, but here i am I agree with desert The show is changing ALOT And Replacements are just going to tick me off but who know maybe the new season will have lots of juice Grissom and Sara Moments
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    CSI: Hangman #10

    N Please :)
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    Best Sara/Grissom song

    I don't know if anyone has posted this but i think it's so totally grissom thinking about sara's quirks and how much he loves her anyway. Pat Monahan - Her Eyes She's not afraid; she just likes to use her night light When she gets paid, true religion gets it all If they fit right. She's...
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    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

    OK, ENOUGH EVERYONE . Lets all act like big boys and girls. And you can pm me anytime trusidle
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    Best Sara/Grissom song

    (This Ain't) No thinkin' thing -Trace Atkins I been thinkin' 'bout our love situation All this attraction in the present tense I've reached the only logical conclusion Love ain't supposed to make sense This ain't no thinkin` thing, right brain, left brain It goes a little deeper than that...
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    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

    Okay 1st off this is my first week of striking. :cool: 2nd: Sorry we got "off topic" (though I personally think that is is on topic) 3rd: Trusidle, We should just plot to TAKE OVER THE WORLD. BAA HAA HAA!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Ok...Lets cool down everyone, deep breaths. :) That's it...
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    The injury thread

    When I was in the third grade I was running laps in the gym during PE class. I whole group of us feel together into the bleachers and I hit my head on a bolt that was unscrewed a little. My head bled SOOO Bad. It was everywhere, all over me and the gym floor. :eek:...I'm a little clumsy :lol...
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    :)Happy Thanksgiving everybody. :) Stay safe guys Rest up for balck friday...those who are actually crazy enough to go out and shop tomrrow like me :D
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    Where Did You Get Your Username?

    Babylon 5. My favorite show ever... EVER :D
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    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    Hey rchp , I Love the first season 6 picture. Thanks for posting them :)
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    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

    Yeah! I agree completly. Oh and I'm on stike too. I'm having my sister watch it and tell me what happened the next day. :lol: We should join forces on the strike front :D :lol:
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    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    I really like the in jeans one.
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    Creative Halloween Costume Ideas

    I was a red shirt from the original series of star trek. :D I played up the whole joke of the red shirts always getting killed by putting fake blood and a wound looking thing on my shirt. :lol: The weird part was that the people who got the costume were the kids sho were like 6-9 yaers old...
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    The injury thread

    When I was seven I was running around the side of my yard into my backyard when I triped on my dads chainsaw. I thought nothing of it until I when into my kitchen and nothiced my foot was sticking to the floor. Looked down and my whole foot was covered in blood. I cut it far enough down that I...
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    What type of ipod do you have?

    I've got the 30gb video ipod. I love it, it's like another limb. :)
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    The Official Pets thread

    I'm sorry about your dog SpeedsDaughter I lost my 12 yr old border collie about this time last year and I still miss him ALOT. Okay eggbe4thechicken I'll try to answer some of your questions: I only like big spiders, the little ones creep me out 2.*Shudder* It's eating a cricket, I mostly...
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    The Official Pets thread

    OK here are a couple of pictures of some my tarantulas These are the ones that I keep at work. (Seriously after getting a job in an entomology dept. my life has become SOO Much like grissoms... It's disturbing. I even have the pet roaches) This one is my rose hair named Grissom Maria the...
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    NCAA Football

    OMG Kentucky Beat Louisville! :D :cool: :D This is the first time we've beat a top 20 team in 30 years, 1977 was the last time. :eek: And to top it off it was Louisville! Our sworn enemy. :devil: :lol: This town is still going crazy. On our street after the game ended (which was stressfull b/c...