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  1. CSI_LV_AF

    How old are most CSI fans?

    I'm 26, been watching since season 2...
  2. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 It's funny that you should bring up Last Laugh, since it was on last night. I was thinking the same thing about the relationship between him and Doc. But he stood up for what he believed in in LL and that is another wonderful attribute he has.
  3. CSI_LV_AF

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    She is definately what he needed after ABRTI. Makes me wonder what she did for him after WtG too. I think I may have read a fic about that, I can't remember right now.
  4. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 I think that Keppler is from Trenton not Newark. But I did find it kind of funny that they were both from NJ. Maybe it was just something the writers decided to throw in there to give them something in common. Who knows? About the Ellie thing, I have been wondering about...
  5. CSI_LV_AF

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    When he says "I sleep very well at night." in I Like to Watch to the camera crew, I would like to think Sofia is what makes him sleep well.
  6. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Your're right, the first one probably did have something to do with things back in NJ. It takes quite a bit to get a commendation, I mean, look what it took to get the second one. It probably was one of your posts where I read about the picture. They must think we wouldn't...
  7. CSI_LV_AF

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    You're right, the subtlety is the best part, at least for me. I don't know if a lot of people would say there is something between these two at all because they don't make it obvious and that is a very good thing. I love having to look into every scene with these two and pick out the flirtiness...
  8. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 A lot, it seems. But they haven't mentioned any other awards he has received on the show. In the Ultimate CSI book, they mention some of the plaques and what it says on them, don't know how much is true though. I think it has been mentioned before about the Academy graduation...
  9. CSI_LV_AF

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    My favorite scene with these two is at the end of ABRTI pt.2, when they are at Bell's funeral and he arrives. I love how she walks up to him and genuinely sounds concerned for him and how she is hesitant to leave him alone.
  10. CSI_LV_AF

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    And she actually did "pop a few" after he said it too. I love that scene. I still laugh every time I see it.
  11. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Yeah, I watched it again yesterday too on Spike and I am still P.Od about that scene. Maybe if the strike would ever end, they might give us a suprise and reveal the reason for the first commendation. Wishful thinking, yes? I laughed when I read your comment the whole A, B, C...
  12. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Yeah, I guess I will have to start watching the DVDs with the commentary on, only certain episodes though. About the whole advice thing, he has seen and been through so much and has a lot of wisdom, I too wish that some would heed the advice he gives. Wow, I go to work and...
  13. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Yeah, I mean all Grissom did was bring her a soy burger anyways...I think you're right about Sara just considering him a co-worker and that is it. In WtG she is the only CSI we don't see at the hospital either until the end. But I was looking at screen caps from that episode...
  14. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 On top of seeing him play the cello, I still want to know about his first commendation that he recieved...I watched BTK part 1 today and every time I see Sara turn off the TV, I want to throw my remote at the TV...I know, I am a little bitter.
  15. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Thanks for sharing that tid bit. I never watch the commentary on the DVDs, it drives me nuts most of the time. But it is not surprising that it was his idea. I know he likes to give the writers ideas for his character.
  16. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Yes, the "power of the ass" comment was the best so far. But another one up there, and I am going to piggyback off the phonebooth comment, "4000, the new 50."
  17. CSI_LV_AF

    "Cockroaches" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    That is exactly what I was wondering about too. Considering Warrick was there when Brass was shot. Their freindship has only gotten stronger over the years. But knowing TPTB, we won't see hardly, if any interaction between the two. I guess we'll see.
  18. CSI_LV_AF

    Where Did You Get Your Username?

    CSI=that's obvious LV=Las Vegas AF=Air Force, my wonderful employer
  19. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Like I said, too many to write...I was pleasantly suprised at how much he was in You Kill Me, considering it was supposed to be mainly centered around the lab rats. Oddly enough, and I don't know why, but my favorite scene is at the end when he yells "Gun!" and then shoots...
  20. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 There are too many one-liners to I'll say the part in the beginning of Living Legend where he is giving the so-called "statments" by the high school kids in the Hummer. Never in my years of watching CSI have I laughed so hard. Of course I hang on virtually every...