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  1. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Don't forget Fallen Idols...Remember Shiela DFOs in his office and he goes to the morgue after the autopsy to make sure his office "wasn't to blame."
  2. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 I know that the main CSI's will be going through some serious fallout with what happends to Warrick and I hope they get the "counseling" or "help" they all deserve. I just get the gut feeling that Brass won't get the "help" he so obviously needs. Abandoning his story arcs is...
  3. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 The best thing PG ever did was change his character from the Pilot. I'm glad the writers listened to him too. I'll admit, I hated Brass at the beginning (who didn't?!), he had such a rotten disposition. But what a wonderful 180 he pulled. Still flawed, but oh-so-wonderful...
  4. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Yeah, I agree that is a great line from 4x4, but my personal favorite is later when he is talking to the wannabe-g and right before the dude gets put into the cop car, Brass stops him, listens to what the guy has to say and then "Aight, one cent." Expanding on the 80s...
  5. CSI_LV_AF

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions Spike is just running a July 4th Star Wars and James Bond marathon this week. Things will go back to "normal" next week.
  6. CSI_LV_AF

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions I have been busy, and you beat me to it beaujolais, but...I think about the amount of stuff these two have been through since the Pilot. They went from being practically "enemies" to being very close friends in the past couple of seasons, always there to...
  7. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 The last thing I read was that Marg was the last one remaining to re-up their contract. I think we would have heard by now if PG didn't sign his. But not having a definate confirmation still kind of worries me. Especially with all the rumors of new cast members coming up in...
  8. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 As much as I would love for there to be a huge PG/Brass following, I am kind of glad that it is a smaller community. The individuals who post in the this thread regularly and over at the JB forum are dedicated to him and truly appreciate him and what he does for the...
  9. CSI_LV_AF

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 I know I didn't like him at the beginning either. But what is great is how much PG had to do with changing the character for the better. Now he is my favorite. I was beginning to think this thread fell off the board. It's great to see some chatter over here in addition to...
  10. CSI_LV_AF

    CSI Memorial Day Marathon

    Whether it's a marathon or not, Spike never shows any of the two-part episodes. So right there, they are skipping at least 10 episodes. And it drives me nuts that they do that. Just play them like you play all of the other episodes.
  11. CSI_LV_AF

    Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

    Happy Birthday Paul! You only get better with age! Hope it was a good one.
  12. CSI_LV_AF

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    Glad to hear that TPTB are not killing GD off. I really don't want to see any of these characters killed off. And Wendy in the field?! I knew something like this was going to happen when she mentioned taking the field test in You Kill Me, and I am not too happy about it either.
  13. CSI_LV_AF

    Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

    Wow, next month can't get here soon enough. I just started watching this show last fall and I am now hooked. Thanks for the spoilers, the episodes are sounding quite good from these.
  14. CSI_LV_AF

    Guitar Hero vs. Rock Band

    I have both games as well. I have all 4 Guitar Hero titles that have come out. I just recently bought Rock Band after Christmas this year. Both games are highly addictive. I still prefer to play the guitar over the drums, and I haven't taken up the singing portion yet.
  15. CSI_LV_AF

    What are your addictions?

    CSI Shoes (not high heels either, Jordans and Nike basketball) Downloading copious amounts of music Going to the gym Magazines History & horror books Internet Green Bay Packers Guitar Hero & Rock Band
  16. CSI_LV_AF

    What's Your Blood Type?

    I have never donated before. I'm sure they wish I would, my blood type is O- so anyone can have mine, but I can only get O. That sucks...I blame my parents. :lol:
  17. CSI_LV_AF

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I am reading 2 books right now. The first is The Town by Bentley Little and The Third Reich in Power by Richard J. Evans. I am actually reading more, but those are the most recent and have been able to keep my interest.
  18. CSI_LV_AF

    Tattoos and Piercings

    Re: TATTOOS I have 2 of them. I have an eagle with USAF in a banner underneath it on my right ankle, and I have a blue & black tribal symbol on my lower back. I want more though. I just haven't decided what I want yet.
  19. CSI_LV_AF

    Which CSI Character are you?

    I'm Grissom... You are wise and knowledgeable. You are quietly passionate, but shy away from intimacy. You have a love for literature and obscure facts, and find humor in the little things. Many people find you strange, but you couldnt care less. There arent very many people who know you really...
  20. CSI_LV_AF

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    Yeah, I found the fic I was talking about in my last post. It was by Sydne. It is called "The Homecoming." I have to say that almost every BS-centric fic I've read is good, but as you've all said, they can be few and far between.