Search results

  1. E

    Best Ship - Slash!

    Sara/Mandy? That one never crossed my mind. I can dig it. Still, Sara and Cath are my number 1. :p :D Heh, GSR Slash. That's rich. Of course GSR refers to Greg/Speed. ;) C'mon. You know you see it. (I'm joking, btw.)
  2. E

    Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

    Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl' Interesting you mention marriage, since Vartann was so ambigious about it in Iced. I kinda got the impression that something didn't work out for him in the past...or maybe he was just too bashful to admit he had never been able to settle...
  3. E

    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    Hehe. I say that as a Seagal fan! ;) I do like Seagal (don't ask why), but it was really Marg that made the movie for me.
  4. E

    Rewound - A Greg Sanders Story

    Author’s Notes: Yup, it's up on, under the same penname, e-dog. Also, thanks for the comments and support from everyone! It's greatly appreciated and is a great motivator. Chapter Seven Today So this was the murder weapon. A piece of rope, just as you and Sara suspected. You...
  5. E

    Wallpaper Challenge Thread #2

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #15: Ships Ahoy! ~ Voting Open Beginner 12 19 13 Advanced 12 04 20
  6. E

    Liev/Keppler Thread #1

    Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that! :lol: Congrats to them both!
  7. E

    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    I'm not surprised. She's hot. ;) :devil: Pluse Fire Down Below is a Steven Seagal movie. He's got Spike TV written all over him, but hey, Marg is also in Bad Boys and that used to be in heavy rotation on that channel too. I don't know if it still is, though.
  8. E

    Best Ship - Slash!

    Okay, I'm a bit confused. Doesn't a comment about why Grissom belongs with Sara belong in a different thread? Anywho, I picked Catherine/Sara. Because they just look good together. I mean, they're hot. :devil: Just plain hot.
  9. E

    FanFic Challenge

    Re: FanFic Challenge #2 Will there be more challenges? Do I have to beg? ;)
  10. E

    Rory Cochrane To Return To 'CSI: Miami'

    LMAO! :lol:
  11. E

    Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

    I have to agree, the vet scene is possibly my most favorite moment. It's too cute. Now I'll have to change my signature back to that. hehe
  12. E

    Rewound - A Greg Sanders Story

    Author’s Notes: The support for this story has been awesome and I thank you all! The comments keep me writing, so I appreciate it. Enjoy the next part. Chapter Six Not Gonna Take It This Time The bright, red LED lights on your alarm clock switch from 12:59 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.. Lyrics play...
  13. E

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - Restrictions Aww, man. I knew I would miss it! My electric was out and I couldn't get online to send in my entries! It's all good, though. I'll just be ready for the next one! *waits patiently for voting and next challenge*
  14. E

    Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

    w00t! :p :D That's good news for us and for Nick!
  15. E

    Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

    Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl' Haha, well, not sure my manipulating skills are that great. Still, I haven't found any good pictures of the Mermaid Chair. Would be nice if that movie would ever come out on DVD. I want to see it! And just to be clear: What? Cath...
  16. E

    Rewound - A Greg Sanders Story

    Author’s Notes: Thank you so much for the comments! Chapter Five Can’t Catch Tomorrow The bright, red LED lights on your alarm clock switch from 12:59 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.. Lyrics play and you find you know them by heart. “And the tears come streaming down your face. When you lose...
  17. E

    Wallpaper Challenge Thread #2

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #14: The Cop Side ~ Voting Open! Beginner 14 06 01 Advanced 10 01 05 :D
  18. E

    The Joys Of PMS (Cath/Sara)

    How can one resist a title like The Joys of PMS? LOL, great job, quoth. Seriously, the laugh I needed today. :lol:
  19. E

    Kyle XY

    Re: Kyle XY - Season 2 Yup, same guy. Tommy Thompson. He made a cameo appearance in season 3 of the Pretender as a "patient" in the Renewal Wing. I can't remember the episode exactly. I also think a character in one of the Pretender movies was named after him. Anywho, both Kyle XY and...
  20. E

    Rewound - A Greg Sanders Story

    Disclaimer: See first chapter. Author’s Notes: Really happy everyone is enjoying it so far. Here's the next part. It's kinda angsty, just to warn ya. Chapter Four ...Try, Try, Again. The bright, red LED lights on your alarm clock switch from 12:59 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.. Lyrics play and you...