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  1. E

    Nick & Sofia #2 -- It's Sonic Good!

    Omg, I love you guys. :D I have nothing to add really. I do like the idea of Sofia with limited screentime then that might as well be with Nick. It only makes sense.
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    Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS** I actually got a chuckle out of that, seeing how I'm not a fan of the romance. I did also make the father/daughter comparison from that comment. And I guess for Natalie to make such a comment, I would think she witnessed more than Grissom brushing a...
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    Nick & Sofia #2 -- It's Sonic Good!

    When I heard Sofia say she was going to search the roads, then Nick chimed in immediately with, "I'm going with you!" I think my heart skipped a beat. I know he was eager to join her to find Sara, of course. ;) Nice to see the season starting off with a tiny bit of Nick/Sofia footage.
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    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Wasn't Louise wearing black in tonight's episode as well? Hair pulled back in a ponytail too. Sunglasses. Hot.
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    Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS** Everyone is giving a rating. I will too. I'll give it a 7. (And that's a generous 7 out of 10) A major part of my rating is attributed to Jorja, who really got a chance to show an array of emotions: loss, triumph, fear, uncertainty. . .really the list...
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    Glad to hear you all enjoy this! Here's the next part. ---------------------------- Part Two: I took a break. David had called us back to the body after Catherine bagged and tagged the bullet. I wasn’t really sure why he called us back nor was I paying much attention. David has the tendency...
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    CSI Icons #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Back with a huge batch. 85 total from episode 5x08 Ch-Ch-Changes. Teasers: Teasers: The rest are here at my Livejournal.
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    Wallpaper Challenge Thread #2

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #17: Versus - Results! Congrats to everyone!
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    CSI Icons #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Hey, those are nice, LivingEnd. That Sara icon is intense! :) The Cath icon is nice too. Like how you incorporated the light/star thing.
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    Problem Girl (Cath/Sara slash)

    You know what's kinda funny? I started writing this one shot of a pre-CSI Sara/Cath thing. Great minds think alike, no? Anyway, I would guess the TBC means you're going to continue? Cuz, I would like that. Lots. :D
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    Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

    Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl' These poems are great! Much love to LMH for writing them! Beautiful words.
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    Nick & Sofia #2 -- It's Sonic Good!

    I'm really looking forward to the WAT crossover and having Sofia in it just plain rocks. Maybe she and Nicky will get some screen time in that one too. That'll just send me over the moon! Two great shows and a scene with my one of my fav ships? I'll die, I think. I'll just die if that...
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    Disclaimer: Not mine. Author’s Notes: Might be a bit of a tearjerker in later chapters, so you’ve been forewarned. Some angst, some drama, some romance. This will be a different portrayal of Det. Tony Vartann than most are used to. Granted, we know very little about him to begin with...
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    FanFic Challenge

    :lol: Very good!
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    I Know That Look (Mac and Stella)

    Writer's block sucks, but you'll get through it! Keep it up. ;) You know I'll help you out if you need it.
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    Nick & Sofia #2 -- It's Sonic Good!

    Yay! Episode 7! Good to hear! catheline, thanks for the link! I really loved each video! Nice choice of music!
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    Nick & Sofia #2 -- It's Sonic Good!

    Where are your music videos? =) Did you post them in the music video tread? It's a rare treat to find a Sonic video. :)
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    Nick & Sofia #2 -- It's Sonic Good!

    I'm a huge Sara fan, but even I would like to know a little bit more about the other characters. Seems they have info on the main cast, which should include LL since she's listed in the credits, but still nothing out on whether she's staying. Frustrating, to say the least. Oh and please...
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    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - Pilots ~Winners Up! 28 14 20 Great job everyone! :)
  20. E

    Lady Heather/Vartann #1: Cop and a Dom.

    that is something to think about. :devil: I actually went a'searching for this thread when I saw it listed in the Shipper Thread List. So, here I be. :D Gosh, there's so much room for the imagination to run wild here too. Two characters with limited screen time in terms of actual # of...