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  1. E

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Second in Command Now up! Beginners 22 04 06 Advanced 25 21 20 Great icons! Again, tough choice!
  2. E

    Wallpaper Challenge #11.5: ~ "Reruns" - Winners Up!!

    Re: WP Challenge #11: Provided Caps ~ Results! Cookies all around to the winners! Yay! Great wallpapers. I voted for most of the winners, so I'm glad to see they won!
  3. E


    Yeah, ABRTI1 and 2 are very good episodes. I think one of my fav two-parters on the series. It features a nice range of the cast and of course, spotlights Vartann. ;)
  4. E

    Greg & Catherine :Checking out her butt again.

    Cool, an lj community! Nice! Thanks for posting the link!
  5. E

    Warrick & Sara # 3 - French Fry Stealin` Love

    I saw this picture! I'm glad someone got around to posting it, because I didn't have time the day I saw it. That's from the CSI: Experience opening, right?
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    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight That's not necessarily true. I think Lady H just brings that to the table automatically because of her history with Grissom. The writer's ignoring that history would be strange. So no, I don't think Lady H's only device is to stir up...
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    They actually had a week running of the Best Episodes Involving Sports. It was last week, I think. So they do the themed thing as well, apparently. I was really surprised when I saw that last week. I didn't realize they did the theme thing. On another tip, every time I turn on Spike...
  8. E

    Wallpaper Challenge #11.5: ~ "Reruns" - Winners Up!!

    Re: WP Challenge #11: Provided Caps ~ Now Up! Great job everyone! Tough choices! Beginners: 12, 04, 13 Advanced: 05, 17, 08
  9. E

    Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

    Re: Vartann & Willows #1-Cuz This Guy 'Can Hit The Bowl' I was happy to make 'em for ya, hhunter! Oh yeah, if Brass knows about Sara/Gris (maybe?), then with Vartann working in his department, he probably knows about Cath/Vartann too! Maybe? Possibly? Either way, I didn't give Brass...
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    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    That's really interesting. I don't think 'c' is questionable. The idea was that these people were supposed to look like they died in freak accidents, but with the mini's right next to them, something bigger was obviously going on. Of course, Sara's case is the anomaly. She's obviously not...
  11. E

    Ratings: CSI vs ...

    Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy For a show that's losing viewers, according to those percentages, CSI still hits above the 20 million viewership mark quite often. Just an observation. I don't really pay attention to Grey's. Only if my roommate is discussing it with her friends and...
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    Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

    Wait, was Caged the one where Catherine flipped out on the mom who drowned her little girl at the amusement park? Then Sara offered to take her out to lunch to cool off? Cuz that is definitely one of my fav Cath/Sara episodes. Up there with All For Our Country.
  13. E

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Second in Command Now up! I just sent mine too, but I think I'm late! :eek: I can't wait till I'm graduated! Takes up all my time. sheesh! :lol: EDIT: Well, judging by this time stamp, I am. I can never get these time zone things figured out! Still looking...