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  1. G

    Grade 'Silent Night'

    Let me tell you just how much I loved this episode! Let me tell you just how much I hated this episode! Let me tell you how this hilighted the fact that people have very different perceptions of things. Yes, sorry, I'm still bumping old threads as I watch the third season on Netflix. On the...
  2. G

    Grade 'And Here's To You, Mrs. Azrael'

    I'm still catching up on CSI: NY (and wishing I'd recorded the first part of Season 4 so I don't have to wait to catch up the whole way till next year! :rolleyes:) I really liked this episode, though I was surprised that they used the story line with two girls getting mixed-up after an accident...
  3. G

    CSI Fan Fiction Critique Group.

    Sorry this wasn't posted sooner, but real life has kept me busy the past couple of days! I answered Adorello's TQ in an earlier post. I didn't realize we were supposed to wait until our review to answer that one, too. TQ "Do you tend to stick to one genre (eg.angst) when you're...
  4. G

    The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

    I've never written fanfiction before this week, and the fan fiction I've read has really been limited to one or two specific non CSI shows until very recently. So, the fics I've read before haven't been on except maybe once or twice when somoene has specifically linked directly...
  5. G

    CSI Fan Fiction Critique Group.

    Well, I probably won't have time to work on it later today anyway, so I may be one of the later ones now. But still within the deadline. I was gone yesterday afternoon, but it was still the original list of critiques when I responded to your PM in the early evening. But, I'm glad I noticed it...
  6. G

    CSI Fan Fiction Critique Group.

    No, that's ok! I was just coming back to add that it wasn't a problem to do the new one. I just won't have it posted quite as soon, that's all! I'll finish the review on the first one later and probably just pm it to the person anyway. No toe stubbing required, really! :D
  7. G

    CSI Fan Fiction Critique Group.

    Um... Did this list change from when it was originally posted, or did I somehow just completely mis-read which fanfic I was reviewing? I checked out the story last night and started a review and was working on it this morning, but just now I've discovered I'm reviewing the wrong story and...
  8. G

    CSI Fan Fiction Critique Group.

    I think that it can be a unique way for both readers and writers to explore situations and story lines that may not have occurred to them otherwise. I've read some really good challeng stories. However, I think that part of the responsibility for maintaining the flow and plausability of the...
  9. G

    Friends and Family (a short CSI Las Vegas story)

    This is my first-ever completed attempt at writing fan fiction (I have one other short one in progress), and this is in response to a challenge. If we’re supposed to rate our posts, K+ would definitely cover this, and quite possibly just K. I’d appreciate feedback! Friends and Family It had...
  10. G

    If There's A Writers Strike, Will It Affect The 3 CSI Shows?

    Re: If There's A Writers Strike, Will It Affect The 3 CSI Sh I really hope it doesn't drag out long enough to cut seasons short for shows, but that seems like a very real possibility for some shows (not specifically CSI shows) even if it only goes on a short while longer. Either that or...
  11. G

    The Warm Welcome Thread

    Thanks! :) Actually, it's more the length of my post in that other thread that I was worried about rather than the frequency! I don't know how frequently I'll be posting since I'm so far behind in shows and don't want to spoil myself before I get there. I've noticed that even some of the...
  12. G

    I say goodbye--character death

    Beautiful, but very sad story! This was written so well about all of them. Add me to the list of teary-eyed readers!
  13. G

    The Warm Welcome Thread

    Hello! I'm new here! My husband and I are currently catching up on Season 3 of CSI NY from Netflix, so I haven't seen any of the current episodes yet. Since we didn't record this season, we'll be waiting till the Season 4 discs come out next year, I guess... :( I'm from New Mexico and if...
  14. G

    Grade 'Not What It Looks Like'

    I'm way behind most of you since I'm just now catching up on CSI NY through Netflix. This is my first post and review on an episode, but after I found this review thread I wanted to share my thoughts... First of all, the overall episode was great. The jewel robbery story line with the...