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  1. somethingsdont

    Rave (Ryan/Valera) Soundtrack

    I've never heard this cover but I love this song. The Postal Service needs to come back immediately. The Simple Truth by Tsunami Bomb Even though I'm always gone Doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you all the time And when life is getting rough I imagine us sharing our whole lives We...
  2. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    He smirked at the end of the scene. That is all. Also, post-ep in the works, even though I have a shitload of work!
  3. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    That's exactly my point. ;) McHomophobic was the best though. I'm not worried about Jake, at all, but I feel like it'll be something that's not going to go away quietly and easily. I'm not saying Calleigh's one of those girls who hangs on to old relationships until the end of time or...
  4. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    Okay, seriously, lol at how fast some people switches gears. Please, if you were even somewhat sympathetic of Jake/JC just one page ago, screaming feminism from the rooftops now and pretending like you were singing this song the whole time is kind of hypocritical. Opinions are a-okay. We all...
  5. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    I have a new appreciation for Jake and JC. I might piss people off by saying this but I think Calleigh still has lingering feelings for Jake, and it was more than obvious that Jake still cared greatly for her. He has commitment issues, sure, but I can empathize with that. What Jake did for...
  6. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    In my defense, I have only written one smut fic that could be considered perverse, and that's the one with the handgun. ;) I do have to finish the third part of that pool/shower smut fic, and they'll actually be in bed this time! How about instead of writing a post-ep, I just update Stolen...
  7. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    Let me just jump on the bandwagon and proclaim how excited I am about the new season starting tonight. About damn time. I miss bitching about it when it doesn't make sense (most of the time) and squeeing about the EC moments. The segment on ET was so cute. I wish there were more spoilers...
  8. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    Death Grip, All In, Whacked, Stand Your Ground, and Grand Prix, in that order. Season 4 can die in a fire. We should probably walk that line carefully because I know we're gonna get bitched out for talking about it. I would have to agree with you in that it would be some major incest if Eric...
  9. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    I'd like to think that she doesn't need the reassurance, but yeah, she probably would be a little jealous. I think it'd be more of a gut reaction rather than a thought-out process, though. Unless Calleigh thinks the girl has ulterior motives, however, I really doubt that she'd be jealous for...
  10. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    You really didn't miss anything if you couldn't see the promo. It was barely twenty seconds of seizure-inducing flashes of words and random scenes. School is already sucking the living daylights out of me. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the feeling.
  11. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    No, I get that, but I mean, you said it only a couple posts after the whole drama-rama went down, so I figured I'd explain my part. I definitely agree with you, anyway. Every ship is defensive of their pairing. I have the Cooper scene uploaded (switch to high quality for best viewing of eye...
  12. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    Tciddaisc - I really mean this as nicely as possible: you are lucky for not understanding why I got so worked up about Marionette's fakery. Top41 and I talked it over, and she gets why I felt how I did, even if it wasn't necessary the right means to get the point across. I'm not trying to be...
  13. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    Jennifer - I love that look. It compliments the I-want-to-marry-you look quite well: No giving up hope when all the stars are aligned! I'm kind of excited to see what the EC department has in store for us this season. Also, please yes to more Valera!
  14. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    I've sent you a PM, but I just want to clarify that I had no external contact with this person and never became friends with her. It wasn't a personal issue with me, just an ethical one. Okay, let's re-rail this thread. hiphugger17 - I totally agree. It was the most useless promo ever. Not...
  15. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    You know what's extremely insulting? The fact that this chick thinks she can wander in here and cook up a mound of crap and expect everyone to just sit back and shove it down our throats and thank her for the delicious excrement she's produced. I don't care if you wave your fancy mod stick in...
  16. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    Fucking hell. Marionette, I can't believe you have the audacity to show your face here again. Let's recap, shall we? Once upon a time, Lauren, a pathetic little girl who hungered for attention made up an online personality and called herself FluffyBlonde. She tried to convince everybody that...
  17. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    Seconded. TV shows in general just feel the need to toss extra drama into their relationships, but it's hard for me to imagine wanting to break Eric and Calleigh up after having put them together. I kind of hope they throw some minor issues into their relationship once they get together, just...
  18. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    Why are the rules being so strongly enforced all of a sudden? We've gone years without ever causing a major catastrophe on these forums, so why the sudden tightening of the reins? Frankly, some people can say more with one line than others will say with five paragraphs. I can understand trying...
  19. somethingsdont

    Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

    The one I wanted to do was Guitar Hero, just because of potential for hilarity. I could see them mixing it up in a game of Halo, though. Samantha showed up for about two eps, flirted with Ryan a little, and then disappeared off the face of the planet. I liked her, too. I will never understand...
  20. somethingsdont

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 delko2calleigh - Is that why the Canucks failed to make the playoffs this season after hanging on to the division lead for most of it? That was some epic fail in the final 9 or so games, huh? Poor Nonis. Deserved better than...