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  1. N


    hey, luv the tv show 3lbs, just wonderin if any1 else watches?
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    What are your addictions?

    CSI, NCIS, House and Harry Potter
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    Spoiler-Free: Be Aware of Spoilers in These Places

    Re: Places You Might Find Spoilers o, and they also copied part of the script near the end of the eppy, just thought id mention lol, i 4got last nyt!
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    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    Happy birthday turtle *throws confetti and cake*
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    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors* im hameron and huddy lol, as long as 1 happens i dont mind which!
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    Spoiler-Free: Be Aware of Spoilers in These Places

    Re: Att: Non-Spoiled: AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!!! Watch out for the CSI group on myspace, because they actually have part of the script of the final there and it does warn you about spoilers, but i for one wasnt expecting both the MCSK AND the last scene of the season to be explained! yes yes, i...
  7. N

    How old are most CSI fans?

    im 13 and started watching last yr after playing the DArk Motives game, at first id only watch Miami and hated the others, but about a month l8r i luved em all!
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    whoa, who'd want to rant and rave about this season? BEST EVER!!!!
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    If You Were A CSI, What Would You Have "Issues" With?

    for me it would be either the smell or bugs, if i had to choose 1 i'd say bugs!
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    Who Is Your Favorite Guest Star?

    Melinda Clarke is defo 1, but also in a CSI episode Paulet Perette was Candeece in Lady Heathers Box and she'd have to be one cos i watch NCIS and am a HUGE pauley fan!
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    How You Discovered CSI

    well, my mum has watched csi for AAGGGEESSS but it was never really my thing, but about mid 06 my mum got the Dark Motives PC game and i played on there 4 a bit, then started watching Miami, but hated LV and NY, then i was bored a few months later and watched LV and fell in luv with it lol, same...
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    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    *hands turtlebaby a tissue* come on, we can get through this together lol! And its only a rumour lol, about season 8 anyway, still dont read cos of S7 finale spoiler! *slaps hands away from spoiler* LEAVE IT ALONE!
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    Season 8: Returning Stars & Show *NO SPOILERS*

    Re: Season 8: Returning Stars & Show im hopin that sara bak and they r keepin quiet becos of the seaon 7 finale......i HOPE lol
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    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    happy birthday 2 pauley, omg its my best m8s birthday today as well, and abby's her fave character lol!
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    Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

    hey, plz could someone post a link lol, i got no idea where to find the pics lol!
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    does anyone else?

    get em all the time on Living in the UK, on nearly all the episodes i think
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    Season 8: Returning Stars & Show *NO SPOILERS*

    Re: Season 8: Returning Stars & Show i dont think the show could ever be the same if any of them left, especiall grissom, but i would carry on watchin i guess...