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  1. L

    The Wallpaper Thread #4

    Thanks for the feedback guys! Well here are some new ones. Actually it's the same one, just done in differnet forms! CSI: NY Group: CSI: NY Group with colors: CSI: NY Group with colors and text.. this one...
  2. L

    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    I had that problem too, but I was kindly referenced to you tube's 3.03 promo. If you do a search there's the 18 second long preview. Not great quality, but it's good enough :)
  3. L

    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    Thank you for the tip! I had gone to the website to do this on Friday, however, because I'm not in the United States, it won't let me view the episode in Innertube, so youtube will have to do for now :) Thanks though! I appreciate it!
  4. L

    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    You are now my hero! I had tried looking for it there, but didn't get it. I am blown away! I didn't realize what Danny said! That's awesome! I'm so excited! I think I've watched it about 6 times now (between commercials lol). I definitely will not be budging from the couch when it's on on...
  5. L

    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    I'm glad you like them! It took me a while to acquire them LOL. I didn't get to see the preview for the episode, so I'm incredibly anxious about Wednesday. I tried to watch it on the CBS website, however they're still showing the preview for last weeks episode :( LOL I am so impatient! I'm...
  6. L

    The Wallpaper Thread #4

    I've got another L/D one done. This time you can choose whether you like the color I did or not :) Non-Color: Color: Criticism is welcome! I'm not sure I like it or not.
  7. L

    Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

    Hey everyone! I'm kind of new to the forum, but I've been a Danny / Lindsay fan for quite some time! I'm looking forward to Weds for the new episode, and I thought I'd start in this thread posting a few treaties! They're linked because they're large! Please be advised that if you haven't seen...
  8. L

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I'm currentlly trying to get through The Prestige by Christopher Priest. The movie that is comming out in a few weeks is roughly based on the book, and I wanted to get through the book before I saw the movie. However, it's proving to be a tough read, so I may not make it :( It is a really good...
  9. L


    Can I take you up on that? ;) I had a nap and now I feel all sleepy! hahaha
  10. L


    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I'll try and contribute some good stuff ;) I promise I won't be too newbish.
  11. L

    Photo Competition - 'Historic Architecture' - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition - 'Historic Architecture' 18 9 6 Some nice photographs :)
  12. L


    Thanks :) I'll try not to be too newbish ;)
  13. L


    There's nothing wrong with being a newb, right? ;)
  14. L


    Hello everyone! My name is Lynsey, and I've recently become a huge fan of CSI: NY. I've always enjoyed CSI, but I didn't have the time to watch television much in the last few years. Now that I don't have school + work, just school, I have plenty of time to catch up on them! I'm from Canada, and...
  15. L

    October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    I'm participating in a 10k run tomorrow for Breast Cancer research called "Run for the Cure." Unfortunately it has touched my family as well. I'm looking forward to the run. I'll make sure to put a little umph in it for anyone who's ever lost anyone to cancer. <3
  16. L

    The Wallpaper Thread #4

    Thank you :) Thank you, very much! I'm trying. I haven't used PSP in a looong time so it's a process. I'd love to be as good as Dingbat LOL <3
  17. L

    The Wallpaper Thread #4

    Well, this is my first try, and it's not very good, but I tried :) Danny and Lindsay: