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  1. C

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    2nd for Sunday Archie 3 (-) Doc Robbins 12 (+) Greg 15
  2. C

    "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp" Discussion *SPOILE I don't see the point of making a decision to watch or not based on a 30 second promo either. Of course there will be a case it's CSI. You can't please everyone, but it seems to me that they are trying their best. There has been a...
  3. C

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    The last movie I watched was 1408 The movie was quite predictable, but not bad. I enjoyed some of the visual effects. Several times while I watched I thought of the Eagles song Hotel California. "You can check out any time you'd like, but you can never leave." He was there, he wasn't there, it...
  4. C

    08 Presidential Elections

    I am currently on the fence about whether I will vote or not, for many of the reasons stated above. I do believe that each vote counts though, that is why I am still considering it. If I do decide to vote I will almost certainly vote for Hilary. Regardless of what people think of her or of the...
  5. C


    I am pretty excited about next week too. It's a scene that has been done already in another show(BTVS), but truthfully everything has already been done somewhere else by now. And there are plenty of ways to do a certain scenario. I do know one thing I have not been this excited about a new show...
  6. C

    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    Frank: What do you mean I can't go out on the beach with you? Horatio: Well, Frank.... the last time you went out there you nearly had your leg blown off, and I'm afraid that this time my sunnies are too dirty and I won't be able to save you.
  7. C

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    1st for Sunday Archie 5 (-) Doc Robbins 13 (+) Greg 12
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    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    Since there has been no activity recently is it ok to move on to another quote?
  9. C

    CSI: Hangman #9

    Can I have a R please?
  10. C


    Sorry to post behind myself, but it's been too long to edit my last. I finally got to watch last night's episode, and I really enjoyed it. There some more backstory in this one which I think gives it more texture. Their whole concept of the staking is certainly different, but I'm not adverse to...
  11. C

    Which CSI episode is your all time favourte?

    I think it would be easier to say which episodes I have not liked. I must admit that I really liked Lab Rats(it was nice to give the costars an epi), as well as Butterflied
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    Hot Actors, Singers & Athletes Picture Thread.

    Re: Hot Actors, Singers & Athletes Picture Thread James Marsters is HOT!!!!!
  13. C

    Name That Episode # 3

    You are correct ericloca good job
  14. C

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    2nd for new round Archie 10 (-) Doc Robbins 9 (+) Greg 11
  15. C

    Name That Episode # 3

    Warrick: 'Cause it was cool.
  16. C

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    Archie 8 (-) Doc Robbins 10(+) Greg 12
  17. C

    Who is the best Supervisor?

    I'm glad you put Bobby in the poll. I can't say exactly why, but I have always loved him, maybe it's the hair. Grissom for supervisor, and Warrick for future(just because I absolutely adore Gary Dourdan). I also really like Hodges even if he is a pain.
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    I like to try to keep a variety in my television watching, as it is my 1 guilty pleasure. This show has definitely given my viewing habits a well-roundedness. I think it goes well with Ghost Whisperer which I also like. I watch Numb3rs too, which gives me 3 straight hours of tv. That's way too...
  19. C

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    Archie 14 (-) Doc Robbins 22 (+) Greg 23 2nd Friday
  20. C


    I'm glad I'm not the only one watching this show. I have to record tonight and watch tomorrow though :( The show has won it's timeslot both weeks; I hope that is a positive sign for the future.