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  1. C

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin" That's too funny. Poor girl, can't even get her name under her picture. I hope what I read above doesn't actually turn out to be her name. It's terrible
  2. C

    Criminal Minds

    When I saw the opener I thought he might be in this epi, no such luck. I really enjoyed this episode. I thought frankie did a wonderful job, and it was good to see him in a different typr of role.
  3. C

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ a. Sparkles b. Flash Gordon
  4. C

    Bones *Spoilers*

    I thought it was great. Especially afterward when Booth had Bones' gum in his mouth. And Sweets finally took Booth's side about something. And wasn't it adorable that Angela and Hodgins are making homeade ornaments?
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    Quiz Thread #3

    12 days of Christmas 15/15
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    The Official Bobby Dawson/Gerald McCullouch

    I thought it was hilarious that Hodges insisted on blaming Bobby for every murder. And I just loved seeing him again. It's about time. I hope it's not long before he makes another appearance. I've missed him.
  7. C

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ a. Jessica Simpson b. Ecklie
  8. C

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin" Finally a decision, of course it comes when there are no more new episodes for 5 or 6 weeks. I guess they are trying to stretch it out because of the strike. I like how House was able to get his way about the number of fellows to hire. I can't...
  9. C

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ A. grimace B. ear lobe
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    Quiz Thread #3

    Christmas 6/10 should have been 7 but changed an answer
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    Quiz Thread #3

    Thanksgiving quiz 60
  12. C

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin" Agh I missed the ep :( somehow it didn't get recorded. I'm distraught. Perhaps someone could pm me an outline of the ep if you have time. I would really appreciate it.
  13. C

    Criminal Minds

    I can't say enough great things about this ep. Everything was terrific. Morgan/Garcia their relationship is so great, and he said he loved her, which she really needed to hear. And introducing the other tech guy to be in awe of her, how great. Ecklie, how crazy was that. I actually laughed when...
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    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ A. gotta be Archie b. Richard Dawson doll
  15. C

    Last Photographer Standing #2 - Final Results Now Up!

    Re: Last Photographer Standing #2 12. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be looking at, perhaps because everything is the same color. 14. This picture doesn't seem to have an object of focus. A tighter image of the streetlight would have been good 9. image seems to be out of focus...
  16. C

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ A. Stetler B. lacquered
  17. C

    If There's A Writers Strike, Will It Affect The 3 CSI Shows?

    Re: If There's A Writers Strike, Will It Affect The 3 CSI Sh Here is something that may be worth checking out. In short it's an effort to force the execs hands by bombarding them with pencils the way they were for Jericho with peanuts Again, the link to send pencils to media moguls in honor...
  18. C

    What the Writers' Strike Means to CSI: NY

    Here is something that may be worth checking out. In short it's an effort to force the execs hands by bombarding them with pencils the way they were for Jericho with peanuts Again, the link to send pencils to media moguls in honor of you favorite show(s) or writer(s) is...
  19. C

    The Strike Goes On

    Here is something that may be worth checking out. In short it's an effort to force the execs hands by bombarding them with pencils the way they were for Jericho with peanuts Again, the link to send pencils to media moguls in honor of you favorite show(s) or writer(s) is...
  20. C

    Directors/Writers/SAG Contracts & The Effects

    Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho Here is something that may be worth checking out. In short it's an effort to force the execs hands by bombarding them with pencils the way they were for Jericho with peanuts Again, the link to send pencils to media moguls in honor...