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  1. C

    Name That Episode # 3

    The execution of Catherine Willows
  2. C


    Yes as far as I know that is common belief. Generally to be turned, at least in modern takes, the victim must drink some of the vampire's blood when they have been drained to near death in order to turn. And of course to die you have to have no blood left, so there's an in between it's just that...
  3. C


    I just finished this epi, and whoo what an episode it was. The only thing that could have made it better would have Mick w/o a shirt for the entire episode instead of just that tease at the beginning. The episode overall was very engaging. I'm liking the way they are trying to put a different...
  4. C

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ a. Growth Hormone b. myself
  5. C

    "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp" Discussion *SPOILE I was pleased with this week's epi. I thought it was better than the others from this season so far. I'm not a shipper so I can take or leave GSR, but I found the scene completely flat. If they were going to do it I think they could...
  6. C

    CSI: Hangman #9

    WTG Need4Speed. I wanted to do one with Cooper given the events of last Monday, might be the last time to here from him so to speak.
  7. C

    CSI: Hangman #9

    Ok guys and girls here we go. This one is from Miami: C1: S- -e ha-e t- --lle-t -il sa--les -r-- all these? C2: That's ri-ht. (Pause) C2: -r--le-, ----? C1: N-, n-, n- -r--le-. C2: --- --n't -n-- -here the -il -a- is, -- ---? C1: I'- --st --re -- a ---r(-)-heel t--e ---. Letters guessed...
  8. C

    CSI: Hangman #9

    Ok guys and girls here we go. This one is from Miami: C1: -- -e ha-e t- --lle-t --l -a--le- -r-- all the-e? C2: That'- r--ht. (Pause) C2: -r--le-, ----? C1: --, --, -- -r--le-. C2: --- ---'t ---- -here the --l -a- --, -- ---? C1: -'- ---- --re -- a ---r(-)-heel t--e ---. Letters guessed...
  9. C

    CSI: Hangman #9

    Ok guys and girls here we go. This one is from Miami: C1: -- -- ha-- t- ------t --- -a----- ---- a-- th---? C2: That'- ---ht. (Pause) C2: -------, ----? C1: --, --, -- -------. C2: --- ---'t ---- -h--- th- --- -a- --, -- ---? C1: -'- ---- ---- -- a ----(-)-h--- t--- ---. Letters guessed...
  10. C

    Quiz Thread #3

    10/10 for the Hidden Vegtables. This was hard at first until I got going, then it was pretty easy.
  11. C

    CSI: Hangman #9

    Ok guys and girls here we go. This one is from Miami: C1: -- -- ---- -- ------- --- ------- ---- --- -----? C2: ----'- -----. (Pause) C2: -------, ----? C1: --, --, -- -------. C2: --- ---'- ---- ----- --- --- --- --, -- ---? C1: -'- ---- ---- -- - ----(-)----- ---- ---. Letters guessed:
  12. C

    Name That Episode # 3

    That is correct! You're up....
  13. C

    CSI: Hangman #9

    Grissom: Lita Gibbons was playing the daub. She was cheating. She marked the corners of the cards with lip balm. SARA: And that's all she was doing. The victim's drink contained point-zero-five tetrahydrozoline hydrachloride and point-two-five percent zinc sulfate. There was no zinc sulfate...
  14. C

    Name That Episode # 3

    David: It's like the Red Sea in here.
  15. C

    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    Eric shootout
  16. C

    Name That Episode # 3

  17. C

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    Well I was pulling for Doc Robbins, but am glad Greg won one. I really enjoyed this game, and though it took a long time it proved that everyone in the show has someone's support even the lab rats.
  18. C

    CSI: Hangman #9

    Can I have an S please?