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  1. C

    Quiz Thread #3

    Celebrity Name Game - 7/10 Celebrity Scribes - 5/9
  2. C

    Which CSI Character are you?

    This is so absolutely dead on the moeny. I am all of these things. Your Result: You are Sara Sidle Sara You are very dedicated to your job, and doing what you feel is just. You are very driven and passionate about everything you do, and you tend to be quite moody. You are brutally honest, and...
  3. C

    Would you go to a CSI convention??

    I wouldn't mind going. I've been to a couple of conventions, and you meet some very memorable people if nothing else. DragonCon in Atlanta during Labor Day drew 30,000+ people on Saturday alone. It's not for everyone though that's for sure. Not to mention it's very expensive to organize a fan...
  4. C

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ A. Ensure B. Skunk pheromones
  5. C

    How old are all CSI fans?

    I turned 29 in December :) It stinks too b/c it's too close to Christmas
  6. C

    Directors/Writers/SAG Contracts & The Effects

    Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho It's not that I don't still see the writer's point, because I do. But it has been long enough. I am sick to death of even hearing about it. Mostly because it doesn't really seem like either side is giving even a centimeter. There will...
  7. C

    Criminal Minds

    I like the 3rd one myself. Just my 2 cents :)
  8. C

    Quiz Thread #3

    Germ Quiz - 8/11 How Well Do You Know Your Body? - 7/11 Medicial History - 6/10
  9. C

    Last Photographer Standing #2 - Final Results Now Up!

    Re: Last Photographer Standing #2 I'd like to vote if it's not too late LPS 6. I couldn't really see the picture because of the light 4. Nice picture but it is out of focus at the bottom 2. I think the light from the window detracts from the rest of the photo Overall: 8 5 1
  10. C

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ A. Rudy Guiliani B. molecules
  11. C

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ a. frontal lobe b. 90 year old nudist
  12. C

    Quiz Thread #3

    Month of December 6/10 Christmas Tivia 12/15 Merry Christmas 6/10
  13. C

    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    Ryan: Ok look, I woke up late, didn't turn the light on, and ended up in a salmon colored shirt. Natalia: The fact that you know the name of the color is eveidence it was no mistake. Ryan: My mother bought it. Give me a break. Natalia: Right.
  14. C

    CSI: Hangman #10

    S please
  15. C

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ A. David Crosby B: gotta go w/ Lady Heather's
  16. C

    Quiz Thread #3

    coins vs states 17/20
  17. C

    CSI: Hangman #10

    L please
  18. C

    Last Photographer Standing #2 - Final Results Now Up!

    Re: Last Photographer Standing #2 LPS: 3- the focus of the photo is unclear to me 9- the focal point of the photo is too blurry for me 7- I kept looking in the background instead of at the garbage Overall: 1 10 6
  19. C

    "Cockroaches" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Wow so many opinions for one little episode. Since Warrick is my fave character I was glad to see him featured, but I have to admit I've got to watch again to make 100% sense of the epi. As mentioned before it was a lot like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which I didn't care for, and likewise...
  20. C

    CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

    Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________ A. mooned B. can of compressed air