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  1. O

    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    That's right. Hank did say something like that. And The Finger was two eps after You've Got Male, so unless they had a really big gap between the call and the date, it wasn't Hank. I think Sara wanted to do something that day when she called, though. So I'm thinking she didnt call Hank.
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    Ship stuff aside, I honestly think she called Nick. Nothing romantic at the time, just friends hanging out. I mean, it makes sense considering she was heeding his advice. I would say that TPTB said at the time that people were supposed to assume it was Nick so they didn't bother to say who it...
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    So am I. Of course he knows the men in Sara's life. She doesn't get out enough to date someone outside of work (even Hank was an EMT, so that's work related), and since she works woth Grissom then he would know the people she dates as well.
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    Exactly what I've been saying all along. I'm not denying that Grissom has feelings for her, I'm just saying that TPTB have not clarified what exactly those feelings are. They may or may not be love. I'm inclined to say not because, like Fox posted, Grissom is fully aware of her feelings yet...
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    I liked G/LH. I thought it had potential. I love me some OC, but it's a shame we didnt get to see more of Lady Heather. She and Grissom had some serious chemistry. They may have been only two episodes, but they were powerful ones. Isn't LHB the only other supersized ep besides GD? I think...
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    Unfortunately I do too. I would hope she'd have more dignity than that. If that ever does happen I will lose all respect for Sara. She's witnessed an abusive relationship firsthand, and i'd hope she would know better than to get caught up with one. There are other kinds of abuse other than...
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    I stand behind my quote. Regardless of how much you love (or think you love, in GSR's case -- it hasn't been made clear yet) someone, it doesn't necessarily mean they are worth your tears or time. I firmly believe that Grissom knows exactly what he does to Sara emotionally, yet he refuses to...
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    OT i know, but when i was blonde i do think i did a lot more stupid stuff. Maybe it was all subconscious, but my grades went down and i did crazy things like walking into open doors (twice! :lol: ). I did have more fun, though, so it was a fair trade. :)
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    Degrassi: The Next Generation

    I'm scared to download anything :lol: I used to watch Degrassi, but started working Friday nights. I was a big Eman fan, so i was none to pleased when Dan Clark left.
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    The Buffy Thread

    I loved Pangs and Beer Bad! Two of my fave eps! I also loved Living Conditions. "She plays Divas nonstop...she irons her jeans...look at her toenails...she's EVIL!" :lol: I loved Kathy for the two eps she was on.
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    Wow, this thread got heated while I was gone. :lol: Long story short, Butterflied was a GSR ep. There have been GSR moments, as there have been moments for all other ships as well, otherwise those ships probably wouldn't exist! There is no reason to debate this fact. TPTB throw all ships a...
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    The Buffy Thread

    I watched it from the beginning, but I was still a Spike fan. :) I never did like Angel. I couldn't get behind the "im so tortured, poor me!" thing. When Spike got his soul he wasn't such a whiny bi**h, at least not for a long time. He got over it. Plus, the whole "i only have eyes for...
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    ^^ WORD! (i hate doing that, but it's due here :lol: ) I can easily see the GSR "storyline" being dropped after a talk between the two. Mainly because it isn't a storyline. It's more of a tease, as are all the ships on the shows so far. I just want some closure on it. Plus, I have a feeling...
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    Oh, I've noticed all the GSR...painfully. :lol: I'll admit I'm a bit biased. Who among us isn't? I've been a Snickers since day 1 and I always will be. I've seen all the GSR moments. They ARE there. However, I think TPTB purposefully leave some ambiguity in the relationship. It could be...
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    Age is undoubtedly one of the reasons Sara looks up to Grissom. She does see him as a father type, which is one of the reasons it creeps me out :lol:. I'm hoping TPTB take it in that direction because that is how i see their relationship, not romantic. If they got together i would be highly...
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    The Buffy Thread

    I don't have any seasons on DVD, mostly because I'm so cheap :lol: It would be a good investment, though. S4 is still my fave though.
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    I wont believe anything about season 6 until some scripts have been written, mainly because the higher-ups' minds change so friggin often. :lol: I want so bad to be comfortable with GSR, mainly because i realize it could all end that way, but i just can't seem to accept it. I just can't see it...
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    Well, i was simply validating all the other ships, but i could think of quite a few examples of Nick's caring for Sara. If i didn't have to get ready for work I'd try and find some. Maybe later... Of course, it's a lot harder to push for Nick/Sara when TPTB refuse to give us screentime anymore :(
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    I'd also like to add that I absolutely love this thread because it allows me to stretch my debate muscles (something i haven't done near enough lately...). If I come across as belligerent or combative i want to apologize. I love everyone on this thread regardless of ship preference. I just...
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    ITA. That's why I don't think Grissom is in love with Sara. I think the love between Grissom and Sara isn't really romantic, if it's there at all. Just because Sara is (was) crushing on Grissom doesn't mean he feels the same. Again, I don't think he has treated her "badly" per se, but he...