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  1. mayra1990

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    David Caruso(Horatio Caine) from CSI:Miami Filming Episode 4 -pictures taken by Martha Elmore DelRe
  2. mayra1990

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Season Premiere Pictures click on the link :D!!
  3. mayra1990

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Calleigh ans Eric spoilers :D Question: Any word on Calleigh and Eric’s romance on CSI: Miami? —Lila Ausiello: A few words, actually. “They will spend some time assessing their relationship,” reveals exec producer Marc Dube. “It could go either way…but Delko’s return is about getting back to...
  4. mayra1990

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Yeah The only get the titles ,thats all they get in their emails
  5. mayra1990

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    ..oh that like a rule or something:confused:??? if it is im sorry i didnt know..but now i know so thanks:thumbsup:
  6. mayra1990

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Episode 9.04 of CSI: Miami will be called "Manhunt" Read more:
  7. mayra1990

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    thank you for posting it :D... Hey did you get to read them all because i saw alot of them ? :D
  8. mayra1990

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    EMILY VID___INTERVIEW FROM E!-----PLEASE COMMENT AND say what you think about why the writers should do about the pregnancy
  9. mayra1990

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    check this video!!!!!
  10. mayra1990

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Anytime yall :D:D:D
  11. mayra1990

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    David Caruso and Adam Rodriguez Film in Long Beach....posted today!! pics
  12. mayra1990

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    I Also think they should do something about the pregnancy also......I been waiting for this moment sence i became in love with it .....Plus i think Calleigh should have a baby
  13. mayra1990

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    According to this page there is a comment where all this was confirmed she is 5 months
  14. mayra1990

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

  15. mayra1990

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    I was wondering the samething.....the article doesnt say what date it was from...sorry :(....but im glas you like the aticle :D
  16. mayra1990

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    OH yeah thats pretty much what i do too ....I also use google alerts :)
  17. mayra1990

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    ...Any time....thank you for the pictures :):D.......LOVE HER ACCENT TOO :):D....So how do you research Emily....just want to see your strategies. see if they are the same as mine.??.lol:lol:
  18. mayra1990

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    YEah..that sucks .....but the pictures are awesome :) I did found another article that i have never seen here it is i dont think is new but ill post it anyways:)
  19. mayra1990

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    Yeah same:) here before you replied i found the bad it didnt come with an article ......or did it???...because i didnt see one??
  20. mayra1990

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    HEy wow ....thanks .....were did you get these pictures from!!!?? :) she looks beautiful!!!! are these picture new ??